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  • Pretty much the same as it has been. I think I'll be feeling a bit better on thursday, there's the first meeting of a club I'm in.

    I do have a question to ask you, but it's not that important. I'll send you a PM with it sometime tonight if I have time.
    Oh, that's a relief. I heard it was a decent quake from where I was in Indiana. I didn't feel it, but I still heard it was pretty bad. Well, glad you're safe.
    Dude, are you OK? I heard about the earthquake, and I think you said something about you living in Virginia sometime, so... I wanted to know if you were all right. Are you?
    ... I'm not sure, actually. 0_0 It's a decent enough length, but at the same time I'm just thinking of my conversation battle with Coroxn where at one point (I can't remember which message) my words topped 4,700. Anyway that took my whole day and was extremely stupid, so it's not like that's relevant.
    Oh, okay. Sure, I'll check that.

    *Intermission time*

    You have 2,372 words!
    Oh, right. >>;; Well, once you post it why not submit it as well?

    I've been procrastinating on everything ever. It's becoming a problem!
    Post it on fanfic.com?


    I am. Just really weird with procrastination sorry!
    Last night I was short on time, so I didn't get the chance to extend a proper thanks to you. So thank you, for going out of your way to do all of this. I really do appreciate it.

    Again, is there anything I could get you in return?
    BTW, was that mew legal?

    Anyhoo. They're on Black now. My FC is 4212-6202-0291 for that game.
    I love you. No, not that way.

    I'll transfer it to Black as soon as I can, and then bestow upon you my Black FC.

    ...I hope you don't mind that I deleted the Mew's HM moves...
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