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  • I guess if they don't tell you when they're going to cut you off on bandwidth, they don't feel they need to do the courtesy of monitoring it... but holy wow, that is way more than I would have expected. How many hits did you get over those three days?

    I need to buy some hosting, and I need to know whether to get the itty bitty miniscule account or the somewhat less miniscule account. I figured I could use your average usage rate to gauge the maximum I would need to worry about and decide which package to get.
    eeeeeeeeee thank you. But I'll have to read it a little later. >_>

    I don't know, but it would definitely not be a happy thing that I would be doing!
    Um! The one I had in my signature? Shoot, I don't ... actually think I do, unfortunately... The flashdrive I had all my gifs on got toasted D: and I didn't think to resave it before changing my signature...

    I have these if they help! weh.

    eta: Ah, the uuusefulness of google cache!

    Ah well, I'm trying to unlearn the competitive battling things that I learned so long ago, since it feels like it's turned it into a precise, calculative numbers game rather than something to do for fun every now and then, so I was wanting to basically either post in the battle thread (which hasn't had a reply...ever) or make a new thread for casual battles. Mainly something along the lines of Having a team of level 10, 20, 30, or whatever pokemon and battling with them, keeping a record of wins and stuff but just for fun, no EV's and IV's and all that competitive jazz. I suppose this would be something better suited to VM's or perhaps a group, though, isn't it?
    Ohaii. I was just wondering, is it okay for me to even consider making a thread in the TCoD Wifi section? It's so...dead that I don't know if it'd be considered taboo or something xD..Should I clear it with you first or get the idea approved or not post anything at all or..? Sorry if I'm bothering you or anything like that, you just seemed like the person to ask :3
    Well, see, most of them just really aren't all that bad. They're pretty bland on the whole. There is that one 'fic, though. More WTF bad than hilarious bad, though.

    But yeah, you do need to find that gem. You're probably the last person on earth to have a copy, besides perhaps the author. How could you live with yourself if you lost such a precious artifact?
    Sure thing! Although I gotta say, there really weren't many good 'fics this contest. I'm afraid there's not a ton worth reading there. But I'm sure the reviews will be fun.
    At this point, the only person left to get her stuff in is Psychic. We should find the results out pretty soon... hopefully before the one-year anniversary of the submission period's end. :P
    Yeah, pokémon-centric 'fics are rare. They're also really hard to write well, though, and they have less of an audience than shipping 'fics, so it's not surprising the way the numbers fall. Still disappointing for the genfic fans, though. :(

    Yes, I hope your writing does go better in the future! Show those plot bunnies who's boss.
    Ah, is it really all shipping? Typical. =/ Too bad you're not really into the story anymore, though. It's tough when that sort of thing happens for writing challenges.
    Well, you haven't even really started the Big Bang, at the least. :P

    Chiropter says he wants to finish out the next round at least, since he already has the numbers for it. After that he'll decide whether he wants to handle the rest of the battle. Thanks for offering, however things turn out.
    Heh, well, don't work yourself too hard. If you're feeling burned out of stuff, it's probably better to just drop some of it. Good luck getting everything done!
    I suppose. I'll have to check that out this Sunday or something; it's time to get serious!

    So are you on break right now, or are you still wrapping up the semester?
    Google Maps is fighting with me for some reason, but it looks like the nearest McDonald's is in excess of three miles away. There are plenty of snobby cafés, but the thing is that they need to have wi-fi that is actually compatible with the DS, and I have not found any one that is. There is a Starbuck's nearby, though; are they supposed to usually have compatible internet? Though I definitely do not want to have to buy an overpriced drink every time I want to use the freaking Dream World.

    Yeah, I knew about the café, but I didn't realize multigendered eevee was one of the things it had. Those lucky Japanese!

    I dunno, the professor commented on how weird it was at the beginning of class. "Well here we have our eleven fourth-year chemistry students and... wait, you?" Some sort of political thing no doubt.
    Well, the thing is that I don't have any wi-fi, so I can't trade for stuff I need, either. Unless I can arrange something with someone ahead of time for when I'm going to be somewhere else where I can get a connection (there must be NWF-compatible hotspots somewhere in NYC, right?).

    Whoah, I didn't even realize they'd released female DW eevee! Do want. @_@ But. Can't have.

    Yeah, probably not.

    Biologists invent all kinds of things! Actually, the class is for chemists and I just got stuck in there because the biology department is refusing to let people in my program go to their sessions for whatever reason. So the plan was pretty much "invent hugely marketable drug -> outrageous fortune!"
    I wish I could use the Dream World. DS, why you not compatible with any wireless network ever? And yeah, the dark void ban seems kinda strange. It was certainly seen when it was DV smeargle was allowed, but I don't recall it being a huge metagame breaker.

    That's cool, just send it whenever you have the time. I just ordered my own copy of Ghost Trick, so if I get a hankering for vidya games I can just play that again.

    I'll bet it would have gone better if I had slept the night before! But I did get to learn how patent laws can make me obscenely, obscenely rich, and an alternative career path for if I fail graduate school forever, so I suppose there were some pluses.
    It looks like they might well go that way. I just hope they leave ubers out of it this year.
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