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  • Well, good luck! FOR HYRULE!

    I had nightmares after going down into the royal family's tomb and getting raped by the life-draining corpse that piggybacks Link and... *shudders*

    Please tell me that monster never appears in the game again D:
    By wanting to do physics in the future, do you mean teaching/researching it or applying it? And chemical engineering?
    What Garry's Mod, Counter-Strike, or Portal 2?

    Garry's Mod is a really fun sandbox game, you can build whatever you want. The more Source Engine games you have the more textures you get.

    I haven't tried Counter-Strike yet, but it seems fine. .-.

    Portal 2 is awesome, great puzzle game. You can play custom maps on the PC/Mac version, and that makes it all the better. :D
    "harder because the dungeons themselves get easier"
    I assume you mean harder.

    You... beat Master Quest.
    Are you sure you're not referring to Pokémon's season 5 anime?
    ...Also, did you play the original Ocarina of Time? If so, is there any difference at all between the two?
    Trying master quest would only be an option if I could ever complete the main game. The option would only show up when the 3ds becomes outdated, Pokémon started numbering in the thousands, the Higgs Boson gets discovered, and our number system becomes outdated.

    Maybe when I've lost all my hair. Then, I wouldn't have any more hair to lose by playing Master Quest.
    Nah, it's okay.

    On the other hand, I'm derping and dying so many times and actually getting lost with Ocarina of Time. In the first dungeon.

    Yip yep! Which means I can get experience on the other two members in that battle that are still mine now. Or, I could use the Litwick and make Negrek scramble for awarding it EXP if I really want to be evil.
    Oh, I also got money and bought the Orange Box and Garry's Mod.

    Then my friend was being really nice and got me Portal 2, today. :D
    D: I don't think I can continue playing if so.

    Okay, then! Good luck and make all the time you put into it worth it!
    Well, if it was the puzzles that were the main problem I'd just look at a walkthrough (they are tricky and I've gotten caught on some a few times, but); it's mostly the general things of it. Like in Majora's Mask I cannot get everything done in time so then it's just. Almost done beating the boss so it's the perfect opportunity to run out of time!

    I did; thanks! :D Katara really would make a good mienshao, maybe I should make some signature attribute that gives her water type moves other than rain dance... I ran out of money at the end so I had to have your gift still cost money, but. My gifts this year were good! Mostly simple things, but nice.
    Oh, and, if you're going to submit an entry for the Math Contest, please do so quickly because we'll probably post the judgments within a few days.
    I think I might have nightmares after playing halfway through the first dungeon of Ocarina of Time D:

    The spiders are absolutely nightmarish D:
    It's really good and very awesome. That's all there is to say on the matter.


    (Sorry, but my slots are full. I'll let you know when I have an open one, though!)
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