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  • Your entry in the contest? :D

    Nah, if I wanted anything, I could just ref and get it myself with the money. Thanks for the gesture, though.

    But seriously. Your entry in the contest.
    How are you faring in terms of time? Can you get an entry up for the Math Contest by the weekend?
    Ouch. And while I can't quite sympathize, that must have been quite the blow. My best wishes go to you and Silver.
    God bless.
    "The closest thing to a girlfriend I've ever had was a certain... person on here. And it didn't end well."

    If you don't mind, what happened?
    Please do try to join our group as soon as convenient! That's where we'll discuss everything, so yeah. As soon as possible, please!
    Yeah, that question was pretty intense. I just learned what I needed to solve it, in fact. There might be an easier way, but if there is, it's going completely over my head

    Google tells me "binomial nomenclature" is from biology.

    Well, I think I've played about an hour of Zelda in my life? The one for DS. I'm going to get the 3D Ocarnia of Time, though. And as for Skyward Sword, I don't have a Wii :(
    "Four bugs are placed at the four corners of a square with side length a. The bugs crawl counterclockwise at the same speed and each bug crawls directly toward the next bug at all times. The approach the center of the square along spiral paths. Find the distance traveled by a bug by the time it meets the other bugs at the center.

    I… uh… let’s see, carry the two, square the root, divert the byproduct, solve for z, differentiate the median, find the mode, multiply by seven, and factor the binomial nomenclature…."

    You're so witty ;)
    Damn, this one stumped me for a couple of hours. It's pretty challenging, but I think I have an answer. Could you tell anonymous that the answer's just simply "a"?

    I love the Legend of Zelda, but I'm absolutely terrible at it and have never been able to actually finish a game. >_<;; My favorite game is Majora's Mask, but I'd definitely be up for the plot you posted in the Idea Center (if that's the reason you're asking).
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