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  • Nothing much, some iTunes cards, things for my XBox 360, clothes, etc.

    I finally payed off my laptop, though.

    Also, my little brother got a new acoustic guitar, too. My other brother got his first drumset (he's untrained). He's playing it at 9 in the morning when I'm asleep. If that bothers me, the neighbors are gonna kill us. :P
    That's cool, I too have recently reaped the benefits of the holidays.

    What I'm sad about though is the fact I don't have my computer right now. (Note: this is not being sent from my laptop)
    :D! You are officially more accomplished then I ever will be. It really is, but make sure you're prepared to be wildly confused. I'm almost 90% sure a copy of Wind Waker is around my house somewhere, but I've never actually touched it. Oh well.

    Yeah, I know. Doesn't make it not frustrating though.

    I'm still working on... every game that I own, pretty much. At least in the Zelda series! I finished Ghost Trick a few days ago, too; it's amazing if you've never played it. And drawing occasionally, but stress on the occasionally because well. Having an ivysaur look like a cat isn't very encouraging. :/
    Happy (almost) holidays to you, too! :D

    Also it seems that I've been accidentally the not replying... oops.

    So how's your break been so far? I've been sick, sadly, but it's getting better and time off is always good so! All it's been doing is making me too tired to stay up late, and therefore catch up on sleep which is nice.
    You have to have a nominal, purely mathematical theorem through which your appeal will be evaluated. So, sine law, yes; parallax in general, no. Think of it this way: if you can put it into words and numbers, and have a neat little formula (or not so neat), no matter how specific, you can use it as your theorem. You can show whatever you want through parallax, though.

    "if you flail with the wiimote"
    I can imaging myself doing that, along with like 99% of the players of skyward sword.
    You can express something through stellar parallax, like trigonometric laws and stuff.

    So I guess the training paid off, huh?

    I got through the first level and got past and didn't have my save card in. RAGE.
    You have geometry textbooks? Here, we just have, Math # textbooks, where # is the grade level. Oh, and two volumes of Caculus, but that's different because it's college-level. I guess you have textbooks like "Algebra", "Trigonometry", "Geometry", etc.?

    Oh, and no worries, I'm still waiting for one judge to finish up.

    It is? :D I gave Four Sword a test run and it seemed to be frustrating, but rewarding. I'm just getting the hang of it.
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