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Lil Kuchiki
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  • Hmmm... Okay, I got it. I'll start brainstorming in a few seconds. I'll try not to disappoint you; Perhaps the Hell Butterfly will be sent, and we're already the first ones there or something. Something along the lines of that, and I'm sure everyone will get the message to arrive to Sokyoku Hill.

    ... Alright, so just to give an outline of what I plan to do:

    1) Hell Butterfly sent
    2) We're already there, though, so. Hmm. >~<
    3) The others will come at their own pace.
    So just for reference, since I really am kind of out of it right now, what'cha want the starter post to mainly consist of? Anything specific? Or should I just wing it?
    ... Meep. Creativity can be a scary thing.

    Okey-dokey, my frand. I'll probably start it tomorrow morning...
    Or later tonight. Depends on how I feel. I get tiiiiiirrrreeeed. :D
    Hmmm... Considering, considering...

    Consider it done! I'll start it at your approval.
    ... ._. That's a scary thought. Clown rape, I mean. I put some thought into her Shikai, and now that I think about it... Her Bankai would be freaky. Like, really freaky.
    ... I'm scared
    Thanks! I just want a little help coming up with a Shikai Power for this. I honestly don't know what to give it right now really, so an opinion on what a good power for that would be good.

    Yup, sounds good to me. Probably should keep sign-ups open after that, though, so we can have more people fighting an Arrancar powerhouse. c:
    Oh, on an unrelated note, in the first post of it, if you want, Lamourna can be with Ayako. Or something like that. c:
    I like it! It is beast.
    I'm excited for this roleplay! Oh, and, if you don't mind, I'd like my character to be the fourth chair in Squad Six. You know, so we're all buddy-buddy and stuff just for kicks. :3
    Hey. Yay. That's cool. c:

    Yeah, I'd like to read over it. To... look over it... and... stuff.
    Urm, yeah. That.
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