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Lil Kuchiki
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  • Hmm...

    Hey! :D 'tis one of my favorites by means of Bleach themes.


    Idea for hollow mask remains #1: Singular bull-like horn coming from his left temple

    #2: ... Oh, wait, I only thought of one. Silleh Ulqi.
    ... I didn't plan that one out yet. ;~;
    Blarg, what would be a good idea for one...
    . . .
    Yeah, I'll have to think about that one.
    While I'm still thinking of Bleach, I might as well ask you about Ladislao. What is he supposed to look like? Have we (or you) decided on a specific appearance for him? Because, if not, I got this totally super special awesome idea for him.

    • Bleach (see what I did thar) blonde hair
    • Sharp blue (or green; either one is cool with me) eyes
    • Tall. Like, I mean really tall. Just for kicks. :D
    • And taaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Tan skin! YES.

    So... Wha'cha think? :D?
    Oh noes! D:
    Not the clo-
    ... Hey, did I mention that coming up with Lamourna helped me make Masque Carnivalia? I was sucked into carnies and clowns and such for a while, and after I started (and abandoned) a Bleach fanfic with Lamourna in it as an Arrancar, I thought up Masque a few days later. :D
    It led to a successful roleplay, if I do say so myself.
    Or something. *Eyebrow dance*

    ... Oh, hey, I'm not lazy anymore! Make it five minutes; Getting it set up as we speak. Or type. Whatever we're doing right now.
    Darn you, 500 error. (Another way of saying I didn't get it.)
    Oh, okey-dokey. I'll post it in...
    . . .
    Soon. Dunno when, but within the next thirty minutes is my guess.
    Now that I think about it... 7th seat is a cooler title anyways. I'll drop a seat and give 6th to Leon.
    Like I said, I have a shit ton of ideas, but the RP form... like when do you know when to end a post? How do you converse with other characters? I mean you can't talk for someone else's character! Ay dios mio.
    It is very important to separate darks from lights yes? Is it an epic tale of the lights fighting the dark stains through the power of Bleach? A mighty, yet unstable, form of power! Beware the power of the bleach! Or you will lose all the color of your personality.
    I seriously have never heard of Bleach and just had to look it up.

    I was going to ask if the RP was about laundry!
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