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Lil Kuchiki
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  • My thoughts exactly; Cedrick would be much more enjoyable to irritate, I think! :3c

    "Crotchkiss." INGENIOUS!
    Yoshi was amused by it as well. I found it to be "ridiculously hilarious" when I started to think about Vera a bit deeper, and I saw that having her misheard something would be the best way to show her off a bit. Of course, since personal space is of no value to her, should dearest Cedrick or Allison comment on it, she'll start invading personal bubbles, which is the fun part about her. :3c
    But I couldn't stop laughing after I thought that up. It's just so immaturely funny to me.

    "Crotchkiss." Kolololol.
    Kuchiki! You're in GHaBS! :D Tis much fun, you shall enjoy it. I guess I need to do Cassy with the others in the picture, huh?
    You could make an intro post of your character at home, but otherwise you can't really join the crew until Coroxn has sent his character to bed. Then I can get the whole night post done as well as waking up in the morning. Once everyone is up and in the lobby your character should be there, that way they can introduce/meet, and then be on their way. All character's are waking at 6:00 am because it pertains to the story.
    Kuchiki! :D

    Concerning the Soul Guard, I'll see what I can do. After I saw the first post, I was debating with myself what to say in reply, and just never got around to anything... ._. Buy I'll try to get over there as soon as I can.

    As for Masque... Hmm. Well, as of this point, I can either have the men return because we supposedly learned something (also known as the power of looooooove!), or we can wait a bit longer... until Annie and Logan are all lovey-dovey to the best of their ability.
    Nevertheless, I need to head over there...

    (I guess I can say I've been slacking off lately. ._.)
    Yep, that's absolutely fine!

    And nuts, because he's starting to hold up the RP. I might need to scout for domronr to take over the role of Fletcher...
    No, I think this would be easier and much more plausible, just submit your sheet to fill my specifications and you'll be off.

    Have you seen Coroxn though?
    That...that could work as well, but you'd have to be someone who just started their journey. And thus have only one local Pokemon:

    or Kricketot

    And you'd end up joining the current crew, but won't meet them until the morning, or afternoon...
    I knooooow, da EFF? Maybe we should double team everyone. It hasn't even gotten started, really.

    Meep indeed. Meep indeed...
    Hmm...you'd have to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why you weren't initially there (in Holly Town for your Pokemon), and than you'd have to make a story pertaining your travel from there to Jubilife (going through Sandgem) and arriving later than the rest, as well as explaning to Alex who you are (and thus you'd be going up to the room that was rented for the crew).

    I suppose. WHERE'S COROXN!?!!?
    Not right now, I've got a headache.

    But I was thinking of it, so I'll get to it.
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