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  • Apparently 0-o But honestly, I'd prefer you didn't talk to me there - my boyfriend is a jealous bastard. He'd get on my case for talking to some guy I don't know in person -.-
    Well, I'm aware that some people have their own little pronunciations of things, so I wouldn't really mind how someone pronounces a singer's name =p
    Yeahh, I think most of this forum has musical taste more like yours; I rarely find anyone talking about artists and singers I've even heard of. I love Rihanna; apparently I even kind of sound like her when I sing 0-o
    I've never used Snivy, so I was thinking of using that one anyway. Think you'll be able to get your FC and/or beat the first gym by this weekend?
    R&B, some hip-hop, and a little rap as long as it's not ridiculous shit like Lil Wayne. But I have a wide variety on my iTunes - Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Paramore, Arcangel, Demi Lovato, T-Pain, etc.
    I love music too - I sing loudly to songs that fit my situations when I'm stressing out. I'm trying to find the perfect song, but my mom just came home from church, and she's running her mouth again -.-
    I'm one of those people that can take sexist jokes and pervert jokes as long as they're just that - jokes. If someone says such things with a certain tone, though, or ignorantly repeats things that have obviously been upsetting me, than that person just loses my respect. Especially when they apologize for shit that they keep doing repeatedly - why waste your breath apologizing if you won't fix the problem?
    Yeah, and he "jokes" about the most wrong things. Like yesterday I didn't feel like having sex, but his pervert ass kept insisting, so when I said a definitive no, he "joked" by saying, "Okay, I'm leaving, and don't expect me to be back for about two hours." That shit's not funny when I'm fucking pregnant by him -__-
    I'm not going to continue about everything he does wrong, because that would make a whole damn book >.>
    Annoyed. My boyfriend decides that now is the best time to be nitpicky about everything I do and call me annoying for the stupidest shit. I don't want to be with him anymore, but sadly, I need him =/
    Nobody woke me up man idk

    Actually I wake up at 7:30 usually but I go to sleep again after that if I don't have anything to do
    Sleep? what time is it there? It's only 6:15 here :p though I slept in until like... 1
    Not much. Just hanging out, watching Pawn Stars and throwing Magic ideas around with my sis. you?
    i actually lost my phone today so we'll see how that goes D:

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