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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • :d

    supposed to be someone licking their lips. fail.

    Also, BW team. new posts. you should reply.
    School starts tomorrow, I won't be able to get on the computer as much. Updates wll be limited to around once every two or three weeks.
    Hey, If you want me to make that sprite you asked for, I'm gonna need a link to the BW2 trainer sprite. I can't find a good one. And what color do you want it to be?
    Relaxed or maybe Lax. Lax is +Def, -SpDef, and Relaxed is +Def -Spd. Either way, her defense is still ridiculously low.
    Oh yeah, I caught a Nidoran-female in LeafGreen. Should I train it, knowing that there are 2 Moon Stones in Mt. Moon, or should I leave it in the box so I can use the experience from the Mt. Moon trainers to overlevel so I'll have an easier time training for Misty? (Pika is gonna pwn.)
    Also, I'm grinding for Brock in LeafGreen. And making a Rain Dance team. So I might not be on for a bit.

    It's this comic where the main character smokes and the whole thing makes fun of the "gotta be a master" "gotta catch 'em all" thing. Here's the URL
    Eh, I don't check my e-mail that much anymore for some reason. Also, sorry about being late; I was reading mokepon.
    Oh yeah, my sister found a GBC emulator for her phone, and so now she's playing Crystal on it.
    Her highest level Pokemon is level 37. It's her starter, Feraligatr. I wonder how she's going to handle Jasmine.
    Well, right now I'm grinding for Brock in my LeafGreen Partial Nuzlocke Screenshot Let's Play.
    My friend has a mutt who's 3/4 German Shepherd and looks like one. She's kinda stupid, but she's mastered Wait (for treats.)
    k. It's like 10 pm where you are, right?

    Anyway, surfing random old asb battles for entertainment purposes!
    Where's the 0?


    Also, come back to the Park sometime! *wink*
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