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  • (America)
    oh thank god you're a lifesaver Ulqi i don't wanna talk about depressing stuff that happened 200 years ago
    *looks over at her*
    You don't know everything
    You don't know how many times DQ Vegeta has won the game
    or why Goku is banned from Game
    Or what significance Pharoah Seto has to that universe
    or nothing

    I watched that Saiyan Blood video at least ten times, lol. I reaaalllly looove it~


    Yes, especially because I went and re-read the Hunger Games, and watched the movie almost ten times since it came out. >.> I must have a Catching Fire film adaption. Nao.
    Yeah, everything seems dull after ancient Egyptian lazer beams. But after I beat him, he like ran off, and I think he was crying. >:3
    It's cool cause it's really never too late. IT IS OUR DOMAIN, and it's comprised of two ghosts and a ficus, and we'll make it undead whenever we damn well please.

    Unless I'm on one of my inactive spurts. (Hee.)
    Dude, that sounded awesome!
    Did I tell you about the one time I kicked England's butt at checkers?

    ...I wonder what America and said Marik are getting into...

    yay i like endless wardrobes
    i just read that in my head in a marik voice

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