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  • Sometimes I wonder how you manage to find all the most epic things. Derren Brown is amazing.
    pokémon that can be found in the platinum/hg/ss battle frontier (except the hall), trainers in the platinum/hg/ss frontier and the pokémon they can have (except the factory, where it's random), battle hall pokémon, stuff about the factory, more stuff about the factory, even more stuff about the factory, stuff about the castle, trainers in the d/p tower and the pokémon they can have, pokémon in the d/p tower, pokémon in the b/w subway, trainers in the b/w subway and pokémon they can use, stuff about the subway, a little stuff about the fr/lg trainer tower, portal page to a bunch of stuff about the emerald frontier, pokémon you can find in the crystal battle tower.

    Thing is all this stuff is taken from multiple sources and some of it doesn't exactly explain the full details of some of the facilities (the factory for instance, how does open level differ from lv 50? starting from when you enter the factory for the first time how many swaps are needed to "max out" your pokémon options? is there an algorithm for when the AI stops using 'random' moves? etc) so I was thinking considering you're big on game mechanics you could find some way to consolidate all the information because it would be a wonderful wonderful resource.

    Being that I'm bored out of my mind I've actually begun to compile all the "maxed out" Pokémon you can get in the Platinum/HGSS Factory into an HTML table. If you want to pursue the idea of a battle [whatever] mechanics section i can table some Pokémon/trainer data, it'd provide something for me to do in all my boredom haha
    also would you ever consider doing a section(s) on the battle tower/frontier/subway/whatever mechanics? i know smogon and psypoke have a lot of info about the facilities but it's all scattered about
    so you were in another of my dreams last night
    (fyi this is not a regular thing, my dreams are weird and involve just about everyone i've ever known in my life randomly)

    anyway i dreamt that there was this book you were looking at and it had a page that had a bunch of stars and stuff on it and if you shone a bright light on this page you could supposedly see 'spirits' (which were really just shapes formed by really bright stars) and they like lined up with each other or moved around the page somehow, can't really remember which, but either way this was apparently really scary and so you started having nightmares.

    idk either
    Holy crap I wanna thank you. I checked out that Derren Brown. Pretty awesome stuffs.

    Also *hands over brain bleach* that should get the brains out of the carpet.
    Is the entire Mafia form locked, as in all of the threads too, or what?

    My brother Arcanacuno wants to know.
    is there any particular reason the vb calendar thing only goes up to 2011?

    (is it like, it's a default and it never got changed, but ?? what that's silly)
    Well, I've only seen one, and it was in History Class as an example of how people can manipulate others' minds when we were studying Nazi Germany (yes my History teacher is amazing too). I'm not sure if it's in the Mind Control series but it's called "The Heist", and about him manipulating people to rob a (fake) bank van with a toy gun. And it's amazing asdf

    I'll check An Evening of Wonders out sometime :o
    No, you don't understand me; that screenshot made me realize that he was joking, and I was laughing so hard, a) because I felt retarded, and b) because it was so funny that he even thought of doing that. It brightened my month, admittedly.
    Lolwhat was what I thought when I saw his lame little excuse for the Program. Did you see that? I literally fell on the ground laughing, it makes me laugh so hard that he even has time for that stuff, or the energy or persistence.
    Oh. Well that's just swell. I swear, it's just my luck. I feel like a freaking idiot for not realizing he was joking. I was for real thinking, "How did this guy become a Butterfree? He must be hacked." So now I'm the sourpuss who is never funny. Dang.
    Perhaps x3

    I don't remember much about 2008 TCoD except that that's when this version of the forum was revived. We were all a lot more immature then. That's about all I can remember.

    I think the older members here look back on 2005/2006 TCoD culture more fondly because that was when they were actually part of said culture and they WERE the immature weird kids that made a bunch of inside jokes and odd friendships and they were the most numerous part of the forum. Since then they've all grown out of that immature phase of the internet and into more serious things, to be replaced with today's modern TCoD culture, but they can't relate to it because a) they're not in the same mindset as they were back then and b) "i was never that immature". Personally I was not a big fan of 2005/2006 TCoD because nobody liked me (with good reason!) but there's so little of the current culture that I can actually relate to that I just feel like an outcast and thus want older days back (though which time period I actually yearn for, idk).

    Also I don't remember "newbie camp" in the slighest. I remember the forum games drama and the "holier than thou" time period, though.
    I had a dream last night that there was a countdown added to TCoD. None of us had any idea what it meant but I had a feeling - don't remember why - that it was counting down until TCoD (both the site and the forums) would be deleted. (I've got a reason to be paranoid that all my favorite sites are going to be shut down! Warrior's Wish, the Serebii of the Warriors fandom, is probably going to be shut down in about a year.) This had apparently sprung up from you getting angry at my "You know you've been at TCoD too long when" topic and all the old members complaining about the direction the culture of the forum had taken.

    Anyway so I got on one day only to discover that there were 7 minutes left on the countdown. I promptly panicked and started rushing through, trying to make the most of my remaining 7 minutes, even kicking the shit out of my sister when she wanted to get on the computer. And then the countdown ran out...

    only for you to post an announcement saying that you'd permanently disabled registration. Reason why is because apparently you had to enable registration separately from the forum and you got paid like $20 (why you posted the amount in US dollars I do not know) for every 10 members to join per year. Or something similar. But either way now you don't need money from TCoD and you'd prefer to preserve what little is left of old TCoD culture so you disabled registration.

    I don't know either.
    Oh. Alright, just wondering, because I got an infraction for my failure to understand that it's closed. Does neg even come on here anymore?
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