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  • Alright, I kinda get Cell, that makes some sense.

    Those other three just confused me horribly. Zim is a no-no for me, personally. As is the Kingly Sir Dude from Adventure Time (I've seen all of about three minutes of the show, buuuuuuut that Ice King or whatever he is AIN'T MAH TYPE)


    I am unaware of these pictures. I believe I have a dinosaur to interrogate.

    I am curious...

    None of my friends agree with me, they think I'm wierd, BUT DO YOU THINK AIZEN IS SMEXY? I know I'm not the only one who does, but nobody I know seems to agree with me.
    ...Why yes...We have...I didn't expect to discover you here but surely you remember me from Goat City?
    Hey, Flareth mentioned dropping out of Masque Carnivalia. Maybe we can pick up the next reserve?
    I saw the Happy Birthday to the Ground gif on Kuchiki's profile, and I must ask something. What was the blue thing coming out of the cake?
    I actually don't know how big it was, but when the guy (he was a tall one, too, like, REALLY tall) stretched out his arms completely, his armspan didn't even reach halfway to the ends of the bow.
    ; ; Not beast enough it would seem. Seriously, though, the guy in the manga had a freakin' bow that was... like twenty feet from top to bottm. Made of that white stuff Hollow masks are made of. It had gigantic spikes coming out of it. I was so amazed. :o
    Send it whenever you like.

    SO, you are doing what you're supposed to. Don't worry. Me and Kuchiki will cover this for, like... one or two more posts. Sort of. We're trying to anticipate you. So do what comes naturally.

    Also, found a thing in the Manga (482) with a Hollow-lookin guy witha Quincy Cross. Probably Hollows that gained Quincy Powers somehow. So theoretically, there should be a way to go backwards. 8D I just have to find it. ; ;
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