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  • Well old me would make small children cry or something. Not sure if you remember me as Charizard2k from back on invisionfree. I make current me cringe.
    I know that you enjoy both anime and MLP:FiM, so what do you think of the first four MLP:FiM episodes dubbed in Japanese?

    (And yes, there will be new ones every week - Japan just got MLP:FiM.)

    If you like the voice acting, I can get you the seiyuu list.
    Your name change scared me. I was like "Who is this person and where is that other person".

    It was very traumatizing.

    Or is it going back to an old name?
    Aww man, that's no way to get a nickname; hopefully, you'll get a super fun one sometime soon! Way back when, I had a mean nickname that, looking back, was really long and kind of silly. Now, I seem to get a lot of nicknames for whatever reason, but barring one, they're all from my super short name so they're not too different from my real one.

    I checked the encyclopedia dramatica article kind of recently and I'm pretty sure whatever your old quote was it wasn't there anymore. Half of then-active TCoD was put on the article anyway, so there really isn't much shame one being on the page. Actually, I always kind of viewed it as I wasn't cool or active enough to be on in it, even if the whole thing's pretty icky.

    Coming up with a usertitle is haaard, though! I think I remember that your usertitle you mentioned and thinking it was kind of cool back then. Dannichu's "now with riboflavin!" was probably my favorite, though!

    I think the 90% rule applies to most things, unfortunately. It'd be convenient if TV-things were streamlined to one site, but I know that'll never happen. I usually check the show's Wikipedia and TV Tropes page to see if there's a link to watch it, which tends to provide results.

    That sounds like a smart plan! For the little tv I do watch, I use the cable at home for on-demand shows, but as they're promotions, we're also able to find them online legally for free. Cable here is kind of pricey here too. About $30 dollars a month, but that can be bundled with a phone connection and internet access. It's kind of interesting, though, as a lot people are doing away with their home phones and just using their cell phones. And then use Netflix, Hulu, and the like instead of cable.

    Wait, wouldn't the BBC also get funded by DVD sales, too? I feel like as long as you're buying their products in some form, you should be fine as a supporter.

    Besides Tailsy and surskitty swapping names, Vixie and Viki were probably the hardest for me to tell apart. I didn't notice Alraune and Alvyren, to be honest, but that may have been I thought Alvyren was Alraune.

    I think the blinking was part of the appeal, though! That and that they all look similar, so it's neat when you have stuff like that so it seems like you're some sort of cool forum club. I have mine turned off, too, for the most part since less scrolling is good, but I like to check what people have, too, so I turn it on time from time.

    And you animated it yourself? That's pretty neat! I honestly have no idea as to how to make a gif.
    Yeah, I go by some variation of Spoon pretty much everywhere I go online for who knows how long. I'd probably turn my head in real life if someone said it in real life perfectly name-like.

    Yeah, I suppose that's true. Old posts are the quickest way to embarrass anyone. I think, it's a way to see how you've improved, too, though. I am constantly amazed with what sort of things I used to think and how nonsensical my old old posts are. They're in English and I wrote them, but I still haven't a clue what they're trying to say.

    Yeah, that's pretty much me, too, even if the US has better selection than most places. A lot the stuff currently on tv seems kind of junky and the things that I've heard good things about aren't airing and are harder to locate than the effort I'm willing to put into it. That being said I do keep up with some food shows, a few live-action shows, and watch my fair share of anime. Finishing stuff is another story.

    Yeah, avatars are how I identify people, too. I think Tailsy and surskitty swapped their avatars and I was confused until they switched back. Big name-change bandwagons get me too. Both the Team Rocket and pony name changes confused me for a bit.

    I miss seeing those blinkie avatars around! I kind of remember your gas mask avatar, too. Haven't you had your Star Trek signature for quite a while?
    Thinking of a good name really /is/ hard. I'm actually surprised that I haven't gotten tired of this one. I've had it for like five or six years.

    And yeah, it's scary how much information people can find about you online if you're not careful. I keep my fandom stuff and irl stuff pretty much separate with probably a bit of overlap on my twitter. My current employer doesn't trawl the web for information, but still something I'd like to be careful with. My real first name (or last for that matter) isn't super common either. (Although, my first name's like one of the most common middle names ever for whatever reason.)

    I've been meaning to get around to watching K-ON, but haven't found a decent place to watch it just yet. Or most of Kyoto Animation's recent stuff for that matter.

    Yeah, I've had this one for ages, I can't see myself having anything else here. And it's cougar, which have like a bajillion other names. I don't even remember why I chose it in the first place to be honest; as cool as they are, they've never been in my top favorite animals.
    Murkrow does sound pretty name-like.

    I don't really see Pokémon names on a Pokémon site all that noobish, especially here where the founder's username is Butterfree. Then again it takes stuff like XxXPotato_lover-kun01515XxX to even blip on my new to the internet radar. Icons, on the other hand, make much more of an impression on me.

    Yours is pretty spiffy, though! It's from K-ON, right?
    I loved those too, and I'll add the episode when they had their performance at the school festival in their last year. So many feels were had, realizing this could be their swansong (pun maybe intended; I don't know) before they were to possibly go their separate ways.

    I also loved the episode where Sawako performs with her thrash band from way back when, but that's because... well, just look at my Last.fm charts in my sig. XD
    Just noticed...

    "EDIT: Also you obviously must look like David Tennant."

    I am confuzzled beyond belief.
    A lot of the things you said in your grr thread post mirror the way I've felt for a very long time. Even though right now my life is probably better than it's ever been, I find my self incapable of just enjoying it.
    Ah, um, looks like I can't add any friends yet until I purchase something from the Steam store.

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