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    Yeah, they didn't translate Art of the Dress.

    Agreed about Sweetie Belle, but it was always gonna be hard to replicate the voice cracks, especially since Taeko Kawata is 48 years old...

    Also, I still can't get over how cool it is that Japanese!Apple Bloom is Pikachu.

    Japanese Discord on the 1st of October... :D

    Regarding the font: I have no idea.

    I'll keep you updated regarding the songs (or, if you prefer to follow it yourself, check out chocoreichan's Dailymotion channel).
    Neither have I, but I listened to the remix of that song in SSBB, and I loved it, so I searched for the original. That is why it doesn't matter when music is heard. It reflects whatever the original media's (movie, game, etc) message/mood was.
    Hey man, Japanese MLP:FiM is now up to S1E23, and more songs have come out.

    CMC Theme
    Hush Now, Quiet Now
    You Gotta Share
    So Many Wonders

    What do you think of these?
    Try looking for these.

    I must also commend the people behind Japanese MLP for their fantastic timing - as they are showing Seasons 1 and 2 consecutively, this means that Luna Eclipsed will air in Japan on October 22nd, and Hearth's Warming Eve on December 24th (remember, in the US, they had to air HWE two weeks ahead of schedule due to its being a Christmas special).
    Yes! Every song before this has been dubbed.

    Giggle at the Ghostly
    Pinkie's Gala Fantasy Song
    The Ticket Song
    Junior Speedsters Chant (not really a song, but it's there anyway)
    Evil Enchantress (Pinkie)
    Evil Enchantress (Garagarashy [yeah, that's the Japanese term for Flutterguy])

    If you want to see Winter Wrap Up (the episode) in Japanese, here it is (though it hasn't been subbed yet).

    In fact, Chocoreichan has everything up to Swarm of the Century subbed. Dailymotion only, though - YouTube got her for copyright-related reasons. D:
    It is, in fact, out, but no one has uploaded it yet.

    In any case, it doesn't matter, because they opted not to dub the song. D:
    My opinions on anime may be heavily biased by the limited amount of anime I've actually watched (only Death Note, Madoka, Code Geass, some Hetalia, and oldschool Pokémon and Cardcaptors from when I was much younger), but I found Death Note to be one of the most fantastic and unforgettable series I've ever watched. I'd heavily recommend it.

    Madoka Magica is great. It's only 12 episodes, but I promise you will have your heart torn in two by the end of it. I plan to rewatch it with Poly when she visits this month.

    Any other anime recommendations? I'm looking for more mature, thought-provoking anime. (I've heard Monster is exactly that so I will probably enjoy it).
    Oh jeez, I just finished Code Geass R2 a few days ago and I already feel sad that I can't rewatch it from the beginning. I feel the same with Death Note. (Although I'm borrowing the manga from Poly to read that, so that is sort of like starting it again).

    As for non-anime series, Firefly is a show I would recommend to anyone. However, the show never really got the ending it deserved, as it was cancelled only after 14 episodes. There was, however, the movie Serenity, but I don't think even that was enough to wrap up such a great show.

    Most movies I'd likely watch multiple times and get the same feeling each time, so idk there.

    Right now I feel like watching more anime. At some point I'll have to watch Code Geass: Akito the Exiled, as well as the other OVAs. Also I've been meaning to watch Fullmetal Alchemist, and Naoki Urasawa's Monster.
    Haha, no, I just had a series of epiphanies yesterday that made me want to turn my "internet acquaintances" into something more like "internet friends."

    So umm, have you read/watched/played anything of interest recently?
    Hello! I don't think we really talk that much but nevertheless I think you are pretty cool :) I'm happy to chat whenever you feel like it.
    Invisionfree was the days. I still have my old login info for IF. Every now and then I just get bored and browse, remembering the old days.
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