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  • The same, honestly. I have finals in a week and I'm pretty much ready to just drop dead. Who told my AP World teacher that he should assign an essay on an obscure topic with two day's notice?

    I just got back from my winter choir concert and I haven't slept well all week I'm fucking exhaused.
    All the banker does is appear and, once the main storyline is over, spit obscene amounts of money once. Then, he disappears without at trace.

    Which port is better?
    Puhlease: they die in like ten seconds.

    I am lol, but that's because I'm sick again :P
    Infinity looks fun, but I doubt I have the money for another game of that nature.

    According to Wikipedia, Skylanders does count as the Spyro series, but they're apart from the rest of the series. Personally, I don't consider them as part of the series, even though a couple characters from Spyro appear (namely Spyro, Sparx, Cynder, and some banker guy who is a very minor NPC). From what I know about Skylanders, it doesn't seem like it continues Spyro's storyline.

    Which games would you recommend?
    I read it was better to start a new one, and it somehow convinced me to write a new story.

    Well, the single packs retailed for about $10, while the three packs and Adventure packs for $20. I wouldn't know about Giants, though.

    it's called Skylanders Trap Team. Besides, Skylanders isn't really about Spyro; in fact, on the game case, there's a bunch of skylanders arranged in V formation and Spyro isn't even on the tip of the V. Even though the first one was called Spyro's Adventure, the only actual mention of Spyro is by a character in the first level; when you first place a Skylander on the portal, if you place one of the three starter characters he will say their names instead of just 'Skylander'. Otherwise, Spyro has no bearing on the story.

    I haven't even played a Spyro game. ^^;
    Probably PA, since I've spent more time with it.

    Exactly. Although I'm pretty sure the Skylanders I bought (ie the ones from the first game) are cheaper than Infinity's.

    The first one is terribly bland and repetitive; you have to repair this machine that will save the world, so most stages are either getting an Eternal Element Source or a certain piece of machinery. There are a couple levels excepted (the intro and the final boss's level, plus a couple others), but everything mostly boils down to 'get the Macguffin'. I played the most recent one at my cousin's house, and it was amazing (compared to the first one).
    Yeah, I guess. But now I have to pick between Project Alpha and this one.

    Basically, each figure has a small RFID chip in its base where all its information is stored. Which game does your brother have?
    I started a fresh new file lol. I'm completely focusing on alchemy and enchantments, so instead of being the ultimate warior or a master mage, I'm the goddamn batman.

    I'll give it a day lol. And besides, it means moar Skyrim
    It's a lot of fun lol. One of my favourite games.

    And I'm okay, just bed-ridden at the moment
    Pretty well. I haven't touched Nanowrimo, mostly because school and my cousins came to visit. At the very least it's just a couple weeks until school's over and then I can just... unload.

    Recently I've been on a Skylanders kick. I bought some off of a friend of mine, and I'm trying to get three stars in each level.
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