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  • I think that's a bit too advanced for me. The problem I have is with the outline itself. When I draw hair, it looks like it's glued on to the head (I don't have a scanner, so I guess I'll have to wait to go to my grandparents' house and use their scanner to show you).
    It was Kanto, yes. Considering the many other warp mazes, the ORAS Hideout is a piece of cake.

    Just... hair. I don't really have a style; it's kind of like caricatures, I guess?
    You know, considering my foggy memory and me googling it right now, I'm downright confused about everything.

    So what you're saying is Pikachu doesn't even want that black spot in his memory?

    Please, the Silph pads were a million times worse than these pads. Combined with the Key Card, Silph is the closest you can get to hell in Pokemon. At least in the base, the important pads are very linearly arranged.

    Question, how do you draw hair? I'm very bad at drawing, in part because I can't draw hair at all. I don't know how to space it and the rest of the face very well.
    Wait, what's your 3DS name? I have a "Sardonova"'s friend safari but it's still showing only 2 pokemon?
    It's obvious you still aren't finished with it, but I have a couple things to say.

    "When a Pokémon is sent back into battle, the Poké Ball converts the plasmatic data into the organic form it was derived from, effectively turning the Poké Ball into its original state." I'm pretty sure you meant to say Pokémon that second time you said Poké Ball.

    You wrote magento instead of Magneton. :P

    The one thing you could really read into here is Ash's Pikachu, and why it doesn't want to go in the Ball. Besides these tiny things, your paper is still amazing.

    I also found your secret stash of sig pictures. Seeing the Poké Maniac reminded me of Secret Bases, which leads to the question: do you have ORAS yet?

    Lamarck basically said that animals can acquire characteristics during their lifetimes and pass them to their offspring, albeit in a much more extreme way than plain ol' adaptation. His stuff is debunked now.

    I'm reading it as we speak... (write?0
    this bear is all the reason I need to play Spyro

    yeah, they are much more entertaining. We learned about Lamarck and some dudes who had like five postulates about evolution or something... I forget.
    1) what time tomorrow works best for you?
    2) can you stick around a bit after we're both online so I can swap games and quickly register you in OR as well?
    I can't see the picture because of school internet. :( I guess I'll see it at home.

    Thank God I didn't take my bio finals last year... it would've been horrible. It wasn't just cells, but also stuff like evolutionary theories, all in a format of a uni-style exam.
    In Skylanders his name is Auric. I found his presence strange, since the art style was so different from the other characters (he's a bear, while the rest of the characters are weird cat/mole hybrids or just plain moles).

    That's good, because I already have the GCN emulator.

    So what finals do you take, if any?
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