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  • They're the smaller, more-flavours version of gummy bears though! Even the normal gummy bears are more expensive at the Bulk Barn, iirc.
    And nature books as in books about animals or ecosystems or whatever in general? I haven't gone there just to sit and read for a while so I don't remember if there are many photography books
    Uh-huh! It actually used to be in that now-closed convenience store next to Innis, but they moved it to the bookstore. Though there isn't much of a selection, it's super cheap (like iirc gummy bears and gummy worms are 79 cents for 100 grams?)
    Iii pretty much just gravitate towards the nature section because that's all I ever read, so uh. Never seen this meme stationery...

    Actually we usually have 2-3 tests and labs to prepare for, but the tests are all PILED INTO THE SPACE OF A FEW DAYS uuuuugh. *salutes you from the grave*
    But I like the bookstore :C At least, the parts where they stock non-textbook books (even if those are horridly overpriced). And where they stock the bulk candy. Caaandy

    You mean Feb9-13? That's the week I have like 4 midterms so uh. Unthink can do. After reading week maybe, then?
    Use your OP Pokemon to destroy the 100 pages of readings
    Actually no don't, textbooks are way too expensive

    Well I wouldn't be surprised if we actually passed by each other from time to time and didn't realize :P And sure, I have... a break from 4-6 on Tuesdays, and a break from 10-1 on Thursdays. All my other breaks are only an hour long, so.
    Yeah ikr </3 I'm supposed to start studying and simultaneously prepare for my bajillion labs but ASB sounds much more attractive

    :00 I'm at Innis too! ... but I don't res, so uh that's kind of moot anyway. Maybe I can invade your place during some of my super long breaks

    Let's do this when reading week starts? Because predictably I have a bajillion tests before then ahaha /dies
    Oh wow, that does sound tedious. But then again, in that line of work you got there, no news tends to be good news.

    Actually, I'm still around the shallow end of that, so to say. The tests are pretty much evenly spread across the month. Not many have happened thus far but there's quite a few of them to come.
    Ahaha nice. Bet the lines were super short :P I'm going tomorrow, actually!

    Ah, then we probably won't be running into each other much on campus, since I'm in life sci and most English/humanities things are on the other side of campus.
    Think you could try for a summer job? It doesn't exactly sound exciting, but it's something productive to do and it can feel surprisingly good.

    Thank you! Proper sleep has ever been a luxury, though.
    At least, it's great to have a break, isn't it?

    Me, I'm just at the beginning of the exam storm. It's going to suck.
    Ah :D About to finish high school, then? Exams coming? Good luck!~
    Anyway idk I'm at UofT and they end at like end of April so going to AN isn't a problem timewise. Idk where you're going for uni though...?
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