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  • omg we could buy one of those TWELVE-PACKS maybe it'd be slightly cheaper per macaroon

    spoiler alert both battlers overshoot the cap by quite a large margin this round, the cap is the only thing keeping both from dying
    I live close to Toronto and I'm third-year computer science and I interrogated blazhy on what program you're in but I forgot what it was. humanities? It was something where we won't have encountered each other because I literally live in Bahen.

    omG we should all like go overspend on macarons together, do you know blazhy hasn't tried them
    ... we'll figure that out when mega evos roll in, eh? :P I mean we can't tell for sure whether they'll be that OP or anything

    *laughs evilly* I'm going to bed now, though, so I'll reply in the morning?
    I didn't get to muddle around with M Ray much, but from what I saw when I played ORAS it was still in-battle?

    Sure, that sounds good.

    Ahaha I read it already and reveled in past you's writing so yeah you can go ahead and repost it anytime now :P
    Hm? M-Ray still mega evolves in battle, doesn't it? It just doesn't need an item to do so. We should probably wait until mega evos become a thing, though.

    I think we should charge very little, see none of those profits, and get reffing money? I think that would be fair for all of us.

    Ah, are they? I still haven't taken a look at them OTL But yeah, we don't really wanna discourage usage of legend home stages, so.

    Haha, yeah :P We could try to weight the lottery towards people who've been waiting for a while, too, although idk how do the math and I don't feel like thinking about it atm ._.
    Hmm, if we get reffing money though, idk if we should actually charge or get paid for the battles? Because then we're profiting more than other refs? Or maybe we can just charge very little, so more people can access our services.

    Well, some of the stages were fun :P I remember using Suicune's stage to great effect.

    Yeah, that too. I think that sounds good! First come first serve being the thing where we announce a slot opening and wait 24 hours so people can prepare?
    ughhh *crawls over to the business* I'm sorry business I've neglected you so much ;; *kisses the side of the building*

    I think prices are fine as they are. Actually tbh I worry about them being too high and locking others out, but we're kinda reffing and??? But with Negrek gone we could perhaps change things so we do get reffing money, and then we can lower the prices, but. That's for later I suppose.

    Hmm I think we should perhaps scrap the forms thing? I mean that just adds another tricky layer to those legends and kinda discourages people from fighting them, and other Pokemon with forms only stick with one the entire battle... Exception being Meloetta, of course.

    I'm gonna look at the stages later and see if there are any glaring things that need rehauls?
    I don't have a computer at the moment, mobile only and I can't do my research on moves and stuff on this this, can we out it on holds or something?
    Hmm, in that case perhaps we can meet at like. Bahen? That's about halfway? And then dive into the depths of Chinatown and hopefully resurface in time for my lecture
    Uh, sure, I mean I'd be cool with meeting you halfway but then we might not be able to find each other OOPS. Or we can wander into the depths of Chinatown and maybe get mugged, but hey, there's food there.
    (btw I could PM you my phone number and we can text each other if that makes things easier??)

    snort that's why you get a hoodie like me, with weird-looking cartoon cats on them.
    The Exam Center is a place of tears and regret and therefore not ideal for hanging out
    Uhhhh. At 4 I'll be at Sid Smith so uh. Uh? I am super lame and I don't really know any places to hang out because I have no friends *sobs*
    ... I do need to grab dinner before 6, though, so maybe close to someplace with food. Yeah.
    Sorry, yeah, I'm still good. I just got my new computer in a couple days ago. Calculations are just about done, and the reffing should be up some time between tonight and tomorrow.
    Thanks. I'll do my best on the food!

    (wow rude it's like eight times get it right)
    of course bees would be communist

    all for the hive

    all bees are comrades
    I can't stop thinking about bees that don't respect royalty now. bees that revolt against their queen. bee anarchy
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