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  • hm I know a total of one tagalog speaker and it's as a third language (... probably basically a native speaker though, even if she won't admit it, missionary children, you know) ... who I haven't interacted with in a few years actually. ... maybe I should ... realistically I am never going to actually interact with it again but you know. either way I am totally unqualified to comment on such a thing.

    native mandarin speaker, uh, yeah, sort of. as with practically every other mandarin speaker I have a host of regionalisms and ... stuff though. like «s»/«sh», «c»/«ch», «z»/«zh» are not distinguished for me ... this is not actually failasian thing though! it is a common phenomenon! regional thing! ... and then I do a poor job with [ɸ]/[f] which is a failasian thing. because one of those is not a real mandarin sound. my parents don't make it either and they stereotype it to a bit further south, it is a mystery.

    linguistics \o/
    my list of "miscellaneous phonetic quirks that you'd probably never even notice if you weren't looking at a phonetics textbook and checking them one by one" is ~vast~
    I mean I also [dz] instead [z] way more frequently than most anglophones, and granted half of that is just me tell people what my name is (orz) but also because I ... I don't do it at the beginning of words so much anymore but I do, e.g. "transitional" with [-ændzɪ-]
    it's roundtripped from bluzzyroo → bu4la1ji1lu4 [bu lä.dʑi lu] clipped to bu4la1ji1 [bu lä.dʑi] → [b.ˈlɑ.dʒi] → [ˈblʌ.dʒi] not contrasted with with [ˈblʌ.ʒi]
    if it helps it's mutated from [dʑ] as in pinyin «j», i.e. voiced [tɕ]. in an english context that becomes [dʒ] and is not distinguished from [ʒ]; I'm p sure I only distinguish them for «-sion» and in that case it's a restriction to always [ʒ] and not [dʒ]. even e.g. "bludgeon" is in free variation between [dʒ] and [ʒ].
    first one is [blʌʒi] or [blʌdʒi] (I have them in basically free variation in that position), second one is [blusi], it was latam spanish.
    " (........if I see you, do I yell blAYzhy or blAHzhy)"

    you yell BLUHjie, rhymes with budgie, this is one of the canonpronounces of bluzzy
    I have classes in Ramsay Wright, Con Hall, and Earth Sci, pretty much. And my home base is Sid Smith, I'm often sprawled across a comfy chair and dead to the world there
    Backwards jacket for fashion statement, of course. No uh my sweater is actually thick enough and it's my front, hands, and face that get cold, so my arms don't totally go in my sleeves and they act as gloves and I use them to cover my face, too
    And I think I only saw a cosplay photo of you before so yeah I doubt I'd be able to pick you out :P

    (either works, it's blAHzhy technically but I'd respond to both. If I can hear you.)
    Psst btw if you see a Chinese girl of moderate height with ridiculous black earmuffs with pink and white bows, probably wearing her jacket backwards, that's me. If I'm indoors (but we're on like opposite sides of campus so idk?) then I'll probably be wearing a thick peach-ish sweater with weird cartoon cats on them.
    ... I just realized how weirdly I dress.
    can I get a list of choices on this matter ;;

    ... I don't actually really want to continue that battle because it looks to be really tedious to win and also I am a lot less certain of my ability to win it than I was ... three years ago. wow. can I just. take the send-out xp and walk out. with that. too much effort and I'm p sure all y'alls have already taken my money for it anyway ...
    Sure thing. I don't think we're in dire need of a text overhaul anyway, since our business kinda collects dust most of the time anyway
    I don't even have class Monday so I can't compete

    Well if you feel like it, go ahead and rewrite. I'm trying (and failing) to focus on homework right now so uncan do
    Leave some for me :C

    Yeah, asked Zhorken if existing businesses are alright, and if they are to move the thread back out (technically I could do it myself but idk if existing businesses are good to go so? ??)
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