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  • Hey, jsyk, you have to add people back on the 3ds in order for the games to see each other. You haven't added anyone back from the FC thread, and if you don't soon I'll have to remove you from the thread because you can only have 100 friends listed. :c Please add people back!
    I think we stared at each other for a few seconds... I'm not sure. WELL Let's organize a better meeting next time :P

    Yeah, first time, so I didn't know OTL I was actually really looking forward to it, because cooking Pokemon
    WELL CRAP Yes, I think I saw you. Well, that's awkward.

    I think those eight were the only Pokemon prints they had, but they took up a very large portion of their display. And I wanted to go to a few workshops, notably Pokemon Cooking, but by the time I got there it was already beyond capacity OTL Note for next year, wait an hour in advance for workshops. So yeah, I pretty much only walked around artists' alley/dealers' room.
    ... okay. Uhm. I think I may have seen you then, actually...

    I'm not sure if it was those? I got mine from the people who made the sets of the three legendary beasts, the three legendary birds, and Ho-oh plus Lugia.
    Ahh, makeup. ... say, were you like completely grey?

    Uh-huh :D I got a nice Zapdos print, a few buttons, and plushies for my friends.
    Well, I don't think I saw you today ): Sorry, I was running really late 'cuz my brother was ferrying people around and blah blah blah. Maybe we can try to organize a more coherent meeting next year OTL
    A big octopus plushie, yes! If you only sortakinda remember and you want to actually remember, I can send you another photo or something. And looking forward to seeing your cosplay, even if I won't recognize the character :P

    I think I'm actually just gonna be wandering around... OTL I don't know the place well at all so I think I'll just be following my group of friends. I think we may probably be spending a bit more time looking at the merchandise and stuff? I'm actually not very sure at all. What about you?
    Okay, so I'm gonna be there at 11am. I guess I'll be at the pre-order line? Do you even know what I look like? Are you sure you can spot me? I'm not incredibly remarkable or anything...
    :D I feel special

    ... actually, I just realized now, my group of friends hasn't made proper meeting arrangements yet, so I'll get back to you on that...!
    You are forgiven. (: But if you break your promise I will be extra sad

    I pre-ordered a ticket, yeah. And you might be easy to spot, but from what I can gather the place is pretty big, so...
    It was a day after my birthday you were /late/ how could you ;~;

    I'm only going on Saturday, and I'm boring so I won't cosplay. Yeah, I'm actually going this year! Whee! Uhm... you probably know the place better than me, though, so you pick the meeting place/time?
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