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  • Maybe birds never could fly and they just spied on the wright brothers and stole the secrets of our superior technology to use against us
    Is there anyone alive today who can attest to ever having seen a bird fly before December 1903? No there is not.

    (Penguins, ostriches and kiwis are all just Amish birds)
    they're basically pocket-sized eldritch abominations
    except the ones that aren't tiny and are actually fucken huge and could tear your face off in a single swipe

    also they can fly
    I ended up dropping two classes because I didn't like them so I only have classes on MWF haha. it's really confusing because I basically think every class day is Monday
    oh it's on... I hope your Wi-Fi is even faster and... what am I saying it's u of t
    you wanna fight??? I hope moroco gives you a free dozen macarons for being their millionth customer! serves you right!!
    HEY I just figured I should like... acknowledge that I noticed your question and say I'll answer in a few days, I'm tuned out of ASB right now for stress reasons.
    omg I'm actually going to cry now ;; seriously I didn't write anything at all during the ~3-year period ASB was shut down and my writing degraded so much, haha. I also like never know how to describe things because I have a really hard time seeing pictures in my head?? I am flattered that somebody actually enjoys my attempts to make up for it by writing half my things in all caps!!
    It was a struggle to try to make a reffing out of that brute force smackdown but there you go... I think it's really that 2-point speed difference that's going to make the match
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