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  • The key to ASB is Taunt (to get rid of statuses) and Magic Coat (for those times you don't have Taunt).

    It was, actually, yesterday (because of the school version of Valentine's Day). I really hope it does work out better, mostly because she's so cool. She reads, has an amazing singing voice, is cute, and is a theatre fan.
    May 2017, God willing.

    I'd hear the song, but I don't have earphones with me, so sadly I won't be able to check it out.
    People older than me have always done it (believe me that I've wanted to). As I said, I wasn't approached; rather, they tried to interact with me in the classroom.

    What kind of music do you guys play?
    I haven't, although they *tried* to get me to do that for this play. Specifically when they passed by my classroom, one of the girls tried shaking my seat so I would stand up, but that just made me hold on tighter.

    Music shows? What kind of music shows? Musicals?!
    There is no art club. The Theatre Club always has some money allocated for posters and a couple banners, and actors (dressed, naturally) always go to each classroom.

    He's known in the theatre community. There's not really a theatre scene here.
    hehe, we barely knew what A Chorus Line was, so don't worry. it was only through extensive wikipedia/tvtroping that I found out everything else. It's kind of advertising (A Chorus Line barely had any ticket sales, because we started advertising/selling tickets later than usual), and kind of what our director does (because he is an actual director who does real plays and studied this for a living).
    I don't know. it's their decision. Besides, I really don't care.

    A Chorus Line was rushed like hell (R&J was supposed to come out in November, it came out at the end of January/beginning of February), so that contributed. The relative unknown-ness of the play doesn't matter, it's what we do with it (besides, Chorus Line is a very recognized play and is very good if you watch the actual thing instead of our watered-down version).
    It only looks wrong because you're used to "enough"

    Although, how would you know "enuf" isn't be pronounced "enoof", there are too many vowel sounds for the number of vowels we have!
    They even spread into consonants. W isn't a vowel (in English, at least) and yet the w in "twin" makes the same sound as the oo in "cool"
    No, it must be because English is weird.

    It'd be so much simpler if letters were always pronounced the same way. One person once pointed out that if you took the letters gh from "enough", o from "women" and ti from "nation", the word ghoti is pronounced the same as fish.
    (And it became so well known that they made the Klingon word for fish ghoti)
    quite a few teachers came (and are coming)
    mostly because it's directly linked to the school

    i think so? I don't really remember if romeo and juliet was that packed; one night definitely was (a chorus line was definitely not).
    Welsh uses the same alphabet but doesn't use k, x, z and probably another one or two I can't remember. The double-letters are two letters in the sense that you need to press two keys on a keyboard to get them but dictionaries even list them separately.
    I went to a Welsh school and something that is both odd and not odd at the same time is that pairs of letters like "th" and "ng" are considered to be a single letter because they make a unique sound. So in a crossword or hangman, they'd only take up one space.

    Yeah, my main memories that I'm thinking about right now was passing notes around. They were written just for the sake of passing notes around, they didn't contain any information we'd find useful or entertaining or anything.
    I can't really remember. I remember whenever I was reading some kind of fiction that had its own alphabet (usually just representing the same thing as ours but with the letters looking different)
    I also remember I used to be able to read windings because of that.
    Well I mean I can't say for sure if it was worth it since I don't have a life having not gone to university to compare it to but I doubt my degree won't be useful.

    I was always more interested in making alphabets than languages. It's hard to make languages that aren't basically based off of things you already know.
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