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  • yes for example I haven't had the chance to somehow work this gif into ASB yet and I am very sad
    oh yeah, the RNGods could help me here, I could just RNG up some exam marks! nice

    I have 64 wings but they're all on my back so it's hard to count them :[
    Gggggg although wait. Actually in hindsight, I probably don't wanna know my exam marks anyways because I will be sad so that's probably for the better??? (Next year I will be one of those kids who goes to O'Grady's right after a morning exam, drinking an entire pitcher of beer at 12 pm)

    skip all your exams for the low, low price of 16 Choice Bands. (or 16x4 but I can't count that high)
    Yeah, I took 6 Y courses... I dropped one but like. goodbye Dragon see you in hell

    I am questioning their willingness to write my essays for me?? How many Choice Bands do you think that would take
    do we not get our exam marks back??? what the fuck(ie)

    And there is no godly help that can save you when all your exams are essay based :[
    raaaaaad hopefully this wasn't the kind of test where you think you did really well, but when you get it back: 53%
    omg what are you doing. do you sit down at exams like 'I only need 63.6% on this exam to still get an 85 overall in this course'
    That sounds pretty fun.

    Also I've been meaning to tell you, you still have SDR2 listed as your avatar credit? There really isn't a non-awkward way to say that, ehe.
    I'm planning to save TV Tropes for sometime I /actually/ don't have anything to do D: An ASB-themed mafia or mafia-themed arena sounds fun, but idek what the roles would be...

    hmm but that has the potential to get really complicated.
    Yep! Interesting mafia games are always the best way to procrastinate. :B

    Sure, unless the slot is from my metronome battle with Lilycolo ending, since I've promised her a battle too. ALSO while looking at Mawile vs. Superbird I had an idea: what if N's ~mystical power~ makes everyone evolve at the end of the round into something the ref thinks is cute?!
    >:O so you don't cram 40 min before the exam starts? What else do you do in that time period, then???
    you too!!! (shouldn't you be studying instead of reffing. shouldn't I be studying instead of.. procrastinating from reffing...)
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