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  • also: come on Eifie, didn't you know that trying to steal offerings from the RNGods makes you go to choice hell in the afterlife
    noPE I'm still an undeclared, undecided major (and I intend to stay undeclared until.. May 18 or something. Whatever the cutoff date is lol)
    yyyy.. es....... (my first one is this Tuesday though and it's like. 100 level cinema studies. I'll start studying tomorrow night or something)
    Do I need to pretend to be a CS kid or can I just walk in??? I'm glad it's warm enough for ice cream sandwiches though, hhhhh guess what I'm gonna be eating for lunch for the next three weeks :OOOO
    Macarons with ice cream instead of filling would be such a good idea though??? Like really small, really expensive ice cream sandwiches hmmm
    also kalameet is a boy
    i didn't want to say anything because hypocrisy, but i haven't picked on you for anything in a while so c:
    Thanks for reffing the battle! I loved reading all your descriptions of Gelatin™ and his delicious gelatin™
    They're not 100% trash thoughhhh like. If you find yourself outside a Metro and all you have is a toonie. might as well spend it. eat the giant macaron

    oooo there's this other cool place called Butter Avenue that's good? There are at least three decent macaron places in the city okay. Metro is probably not one of them, admittedly
    ah yes, the horrors of grocery store macarons (ooo Metro has decentish ones for a bit under $2, and they're like x3 the size of the little classy Certified Legit Ones? They only have two flavours though r.i.p.)
    TrueToCheese's nabbed that faster, and I was intending to assign myself as on-call e-ref, but since I'm going to ahead to mention the latter on the e-ref thread, I'll mention you're available as well.
    I can wait until morning, if you tell me now I'll start trying to Plan Things and I won't get my recommended 8h of sleep :O
    also this way it'll be more embarassing if I lose, which is exactly what I'm aiming for ofc
    I was laughing so hard when I first read that line you have no idea
    There was no way I would be able to leave it out of my signature :D
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