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  • Hey, you've got 72 hours to post commands in your battle with MF versus Lilycolo and TruetoCheese.

    While you're at it could you reveal your supersonic doubles reffing secrets
    lol should I have stalled on giving my last commands so our battles would overlap. Spent an hour thinking of a better combo
    Yeah, just skip the whole command reversal thing for now. I really only used it to make my Duosion the fastest pokemon in the battle anyway, so that's perfectly fine.
    Sure! I support getting Trick Room's command reversal thing altered/removed anyway, so feel free to go ahead and apply it to our battle.
    it's a 10v10 decuple and all steel-type moves have their damage reduced to 1%
    one day I'm going to post a challenge where all moves are banned except flash cannon and trick you into reffing it somehow
    blob falls on her face and can't get back up, spends the rest of the battle screaming into a choice scarf

    what if next round I just Bounce (up) ~ Bounce (up) ~ Bounce (up)
    oh boy my sp.atk's back up, now i can fire off some really strong flash cannons
    HA what if blob uses Skill Swap and immediately sinks 1km into the ground. Only deer can successfully stand on the surface of hell. didn't you know
    TERRIBLE well I hope blob enjoys sinking into the depths of hell >:[ or. rolling around the surface of hell. how is blob gonna move without arms or legs huh
    whOOPS clearly I've been waiting like two days to think Very Hard about my commands
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