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  • We could do something like Foresight is permanently in effect for both sides? And then the choice items would probably make up for the difference in movepool sizes right
    YEAH let's do it I'll even use blob of deer (who I will rename.. eventually....)
    next time, I'm going to parse the entire announcement in comic sans, and edit it back constantly
    I mean, Espeon don't know play nice. Even though Beartic and Ursaring do, for some reason.
    I wouldn't recommend exploding the volcano... 252+ SpA Choice Specs Adaptability Camerupt Eruption (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Furret in Sun: 32646-38408 (272050 - 320066.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO, you know :(
    I'm totally gonna come up with a choice band centric strategy to destroy you with, then \o/
    See, you let the facts get in the way of a good one-liner. If you didn't, you wouldn't be poorer than I am.

    Is that a fact? No, but suck it. See?
    Ah, right, it might look like we have the same amount of money, but it's just that the DB can't keep track once you go past the fifth algarism.
    I just kept typing the words and they threw promotions at me out of the blue and now here I am! I'm a textbook example of the Peter principle!
    No! No suspicious gifts from you until this battle is over. In fact, I won't even buy myself any items, just to be on the safe side! And also I have no money. But that's not important right now!
    Ah, you think you can fool me by equipping my team with recognizable items, probably even labelled? Well, you've got another thing coming!
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