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  • wellll you can have a leg or something maybe. (don't eat blob, I think you might die??? what is blob made of)
    Format: 1v1
    DQ: 3 years
    Damage Cap: 40% (I have learned from my past mistakes. we will die in the first round if the cap is too high)
    Banned/Restricted Moves: none??? well prob Attract and stuff
    Arena Description: c̛͔̪͍̞̼̮̉̇̄̑̑̕ͅh̢̻̭̞̞̫̤̃̂͌̿́̕͝ő̡̢͔̺̜͙̣̏̒͂̅̕͝ĭ̡̲͕̫̜̳̙̃̎̎͗̊͘c͈̥̼̝͓̣͔̀̎́̆̎̋̽e̺̬̙̥̭͙̝̓̆́̏̎͘͠ ͖͍̖͍͓͕̌̓̊̎̈̎̊ͅḩ̧̮̞̣̬̭̈̌͗̎̅̄̕è̛̹͖̳̣͙͕̹̽̅̐͑́l̢͙͖͚̖͙̣̔͗̂͑̚̚̕l̨̮̞̲̻̦͈̑̋̄̍̃̌͝

    there are like a bunch of choice items littering the floor yo. a Pokémon can take an action to use Trick or Switcheroo to switch their choice item with an item on the floor. idk what else man.

    Additional Rules: Eifie will use blob of actual blobbiness the blob and Dragon will use her delicious venison. Upon being sent out, each Pokémon will be equipped with a ridiculously sticky Choice item (Choice Specs for blob and Choice Band for delicious venison) in addition to its actual held item. These items cannot be knocked off or discarded. The only way to get rid of a choice item is to Trick or Switcheroo it with either the opponent's choice item or one of the ones on the ground. delicious venison will learn Switcheroo for the duration of the battle. Foresight is in effect for both sides for the entire battle.

    you just keep going down forever, eventually you loop back and drop down from the ceiling, but as soon as you touch the ground you start digging again
    earthquake does x1.5 damage but it locks you in for the rest of the battle
    I think 1/4 of my Pokemon have food names oh... no.......

    What if the ground is just made of various choice items??? so you can switch your Choice Specs with more Choice Specs if you have an extra action to burn omg

    Would you like to battle sometime in an arena where you can only use cutemons and cute moves
    Then your squad's cuteness won't go unused
    Shop idea: devolve your Pokemon for the low, low price of three magikarps per experience/happiness lost

    You'll only need 18!
    Hmmm yeah, let's do the Foresight thing and also say like. The Pokemon are effectively holding two items; they keep whatever they're holding,and they also get a Choice item as they're sent out?

    also blob of deer got a makeover go look go look
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