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  • ...And besides that, actually, while I'm redoing calculations and going over how my scale works.

    The issue I'd like to address is where in the damage formula critical hits are applied. By my scale, weakness/resistance is the absolute last thing to be applied, after critical hits (thus, the crit damage is multiplied by the weakness/resistance modifier, in this case 1.5, along with the rest of the attack's damage). In fact, the reason my scale uses 1.5 as a factor is that it's almost always less than 7% anyway (e.g. in this case, a 120-bp attack becoming 180 after a crit; the crit adds only 6% damage to the attack), and if we were to apply the restriction here, the only thing that would change would actually be Pokey taking 1% less damage - Cool Beauty Violet Temptation would still go down in one hit.

    Looking through both the present and past archives, I can't find a precedent for which is supposed to come first. I assumed with my scale that crits count before weakness/resistance, because it makes sense that an attack hitting harder than usual would hit even more harder than usual on an opponent already vulnerable to the attack. If I keep it this way then nothing changes in this battle, since the damage wasn't boosted by STAB or items or anything else. If crits are the last thing to happen, and thus add damage after weakness/resistance is already applied, it would change the attack's damage, but in this case only by 2% (admittedly, enough to make the battle drag out an entire extra round, but also to 100% guarantee that both battlers faint on action 1 - any attempts at healing would self-KO from energy use, and CBVT would faint automatically to sandstorm damage while Pokey would be sitting at about 4% after the damage cap).
    While I'm at it I'd also like to verify whether a Normal + Normal combo counts as 1 move or two
    I can't actually tell which page you're talking about, because my VMs to myself are totally inspiring.
    fuck you, 2012 me, I will message myself for all the silly reasons I want
    ah, I see you're enjoying the many useful functions of our arbitrary mod powers over VMs
    I found the combo thing, by the way. it's on page seven of a thread, but I'm not telling you which.

    (omg just pm me you loser)
    I did a ctrl-F in a couple of the older ones, but couldn't find anything :(
    also, oh, I see. well, tbh I've heard of exactly two combos that are not useless and also make sense, which are a) teleport behind them and use x fast move (which would be cool if your opponent was waiting for you to attack to attempt to dodge or something) and b) Confide + Sing which I tried in my previous mentee's battle

    edit: actually I really want to find this combo discussion and cannot. and there are no good functions for searching in a social group. can you assist
    aw, crap, when I updated my commands for the fact that he could choose his break on either action, apparently I missed a spot...

    edit: ... apparently I missed all the spots??? wtf where did my commands go
    huh, really? do you remember what the opposition was? (should I search the social group?)

    well, then, I schedule this refueling of brain for that before next Saturday time slot :D
    oh man, Jack's already looking >:( oh well. fingers crossed.

    do you think combos might need stricter rules sometime soon? I may again have a skewed perception of how many refs are actually letting combos like Superpower + Giga Impact go through (omg when I took over for ZM vs TtC I had to guess whether you would allow something like Superpower + Retaliate and I had no idea if you would or not and I ended up having to publicly defend a decision that I did not personally agree with lmao) but, as a past chronic abuser of combos, I kind of feel like combos should just not really be a way of getting "just that tiny bit of extra damage", period. like I remember Negrek was planning to overhaul them in some way where at least priority move + powerful move would have the priority of the more powerful move, which I guess would be nice, at least. or maybe be stricter on what actually makes sense because maybe Quick Attack + Horn Attack does make sense but maybe like Quick Attack + Double Edge doesn't make sense because Double-Edge is already so powerful that the user must be moving really fast and it can't get any faster?? idk, this has been a ramble brought to you by Eifie's Dinner Thoughts
    oh. is that going to be, like, before next Saturday? because then I'll delete my commands.
    well, there are very good reasons why not! like, then you could use a super-powerful low-priority combo attack the first action and a weak priority move the second action to finish off your opponent in two actions when it still has a decent chunk of health at the start of the round. which is kind of not cool.
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