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  • *grabs his mug that bizarrely says "mocha~latte~cappucino" on the side and fills it up* :D
    I need one of these =<
    *makes Typh lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of tea and pours it all into a huuuuuuuge Thermos with a tap at the bottom* :D?
    I created a Spanish word 8D Gee, the language was missing out on so much until just quarter of an hour ago rite~

    Think there's much call for English-to-English translation? :D
    Fry and Laurie are truly the masters of wordplay ^_^

    "What is your blood type?"
    "I said, "what is your blood type?"."
    "O! B."

    (...was "el glompo" right o.o)
    And of course when we became colleagues we took a vow of chastity or whichever word means not marrying, lest the other burst into flames. :3

    Can't wait for that cocoa~ All those barbiturates and heroin

    WANT *mumble*COCOA
    AND I'VE NEVER HAD ok i'll stop quoting now o///o
    So if it never does appeal to you we can be two unloved 92 year olds drinking Berent's cocoa :D

    Though it'd be better if it was just me, to help accentuate the loneliness =3
    Yeah but you don't go around making people you marry have your name or tack it onto theirs, so it's not so debilitating for you.

    Though I'm glad it is for me... girlfriends and marrying and stuff doesn't really appeal to meh =/
    Yes, you're a scarily good friend of mine too ^_^ But I'd still rather not marry ya.

    It's official, not a single girl's name goes with Amos (my real surname) :3
    ...yeah that's not actually my name, it was more what you might call a fib. :3

    How much would you love me if that was my name though
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