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  • The box said 600 feet in the air, this went more like a mile or too....
    My dad and I put them in the chamber of a model rocket and set it off. Lots of fun. You should have seen the neighbors face. "Excuse me sir, but I think that our rocket has landed on your roof." Lmao
    Hmm.... *ponders whether or not he should tell Poke about secret project*...
    That is pretty cool! I'm a butterfree, and I didn't even notice...
    Because you do, that's why. =P
    Besides, I'm talking with other people while working on something on a little project.
    I do live in Canada; we (Canada & USA) both have the same time zones in certain places.
    I only found a few good sites... like Trsrockin.com... I used to go there for Pokémon glitch stuff, but the webmaster gave up on that and went for cosplaying and stuff instead, which I was never really into... it did have an affliation link to this site though, which was good. This site had a link to Pokémon Rebirth, which I'm glad I found, because it was really worth the look. And that site had a link (that the webmaster now removed) to Creative Worlds, which I would never have found otherwise. xD I found most of my usual sites through links to other ones lolz...
    That's because you live in the Pacific Time Zone region near the Pacific Ocean, whereas I live in the Eastern Time Zone region near the Atlantic Ocean (in other words, my region is three hours ahead of your region). We're on opposite sides of North America!
    I know it is; somebody posted this word in my "Dictionary" forum game thread as well.

    Anyway, I gotta sleep unfortunately. My dad caught me using the computer pass midnight (thank God he still doesn't know I go to this site), and now he wants me to go to sleep. I can't afford to get caught again or else... I think you can picture it. Talk to you later, Poke. D:
    No, He says, "AHAHAHAHA YOU DIED. >:D
    He needs to say this. O_o
    Gotta go. There's thunder in the distance.
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