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  • Yes. xD But now that I think about it, I think you posted something in the Behind the Avatar thread. Hmm...

    Thanks for the support. But it's not like I wanna study for it; my parents are practically forcing me to take the test. I'm one of those people who can't sit still for a minute, so being inside a car with my butt glued onto the driver's seat for a long time doesn't help much. >.> I could always apply more pressure on the pedal to release the stored up energy within me, but it wouldn't feel the same as when I walk.
    I went with Rufeel; it was an "eenie-meenie-minie-moe" kind of decision.

    First romance, now a cat fetish? Whoa, you're completely different than what I first thought you to be. O_O Now I just need a photo to confirm it.

    Ugh, I remember watching the CG FMV intro to Hearts on YouTube. It's just so... *shudders* The only good model within that intro was Innes in my opinion.

    Nope, haven't had the time to even download it. I have too many things to worry about right now, such as finding a job (I'm still searching unfortunately) and studying for my driving examination. And then there's also a lot of distractions coming from my family. x.x
    If Hearts is never translated, then I might as well play it in Japanese. =P (Or maybe I should get off my lazy butt, open My Japanese Coach and learn Japanese, THEN play the game).

    There are only two Japanese games I have managed to complete while having no clue just what was going on: Klonoa Heroes and Summon Night: Hajimari no Ishi
    I don't even know what the story is for Innocence, which is why I wanna play it. I also wanna play Destiny but for obvious reasons I can't. :(
    I just finished reading through it, and let me say he certainly broke my heart, not because he chooses not to translate Hearts- I can live with that- but because he's prolonging the release of the Innocence translation patch.
    I'm hoping there'll be a translation of Hearts so then I can play it. And speaking of a Tales game on the DS, it has been a while since I last checked Absolute Zero. *Goes to check*
    The monster encounters is why I prefer to play the game. You see, when I play games, you can say that I'm... in the zone. When I encounter monsters, I like to pretend to be the character I'm controlling and then I unleash my wrath! xD

    Well, I'm gonna go with my gut and believe that there'll be an English dub of the movie. And speaking of 'not getting anything', is there a reason why we didn't get "Tales of Rebirth"?

    Same here. The Internet is just awesome. Period.
    Giant robots never appealed to me much. I admit, they look cool but... in a sense, they're too complex in my opinion.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about TotA. xP But to be honest, I would rather play the game first than watch the anime; the game has more variety to it I find. Speaking of Tales, though, I can't wait to watch Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike- with subs or the English version if they ever make one.

    I also watched a bit of Ryusei no Rockman (with subs of course), but then I suddenly stopped. I don't know why, it was decent to me. Thanks for reminding me. :D
    Well, for one, I do know for a fact that I don't like anime that are slow-paced and they take forever to move the plot along (for instance, Dragon Ball Z).
    Uh, I'm not so sure myself. XD I guess I'll have to do some research them...

    It's already subbed!? O_O I MUST FIND IT!
    I'm currently waiting for the release of 13th movie, "Raven Chaser" with English subs. With the BO members in it, it has got to be an awesome movie! :3 And then there's the Conan & Lupin the 3rd crossover that I'm also waiting to be released with subtitles.

    Detective Conan is basically the only anime I watch. I have yet to find any other anime that appeals to me. >.>
    I've been trying to find a decent Detective Conan avatar for a while and I thought this one was nice. I intended to use a picture of Conan doing a face palm, specifically from the 12th movie, Full Score of Fear but I forgot how to take a picture of the entire computer screen.

    How do you take a picture of the entire computer screen again? =S
    Well, RPs have this different style of writing I find which, for some reason I can't get a grasp on. (Though I've yet to try any RPs. =P)

    One Pokemon I could really see be a part of the main cast is a Scyther; I mean, having blades for arms? I could definitely see it as a main character. In fact:
    Scyther = Swordsman
    Lucario = Fighter
    Eevee = Black mage
    Chansey = White mage
    Grovyle = Thief
    Golem = Heavy hitter
    Um, that's all I can think of at this hour....

    One thing about me, I'm naturally slow, whether I'm in a good mood or not. =P I'm slow at games, art, music, writing, responding, thinking, reading, etc. *Sighs* I wish I could just go a tiny bit faster...
    Heh, I don't RP, mostly because I don't understand how it works. =P

    Pokemon and Tales mixed together... if there was ever a game like that, I would SO buy it- even if I don't have the console to use it. ^w^
    Anyway, what was your fic gonna be about?

    Meh, I'll read their fics as soon as I stop feeling lazy. =P

    ...Wow, I'm surprised it took me an hour just to type up these short replies. O.o
    I didn't know you had an FF.net account. O.o
    Anyway, now is the time for me to also get off my lazy bum and get to updating my fic (and editing the current chapters I posted). And speaking of my fic, it's supposed to be a fusion between Pokemon and Tales, using Pokemon characters and elements from Tales basically. Think I can pull it off?

    Honestly, I didn't find you to be into the fluffy stuff. O.o I dunno why though...
    And no, I haven't heard of those two authors, bu now that you've mentioned, I guess I'll go take a look at their stuff.

    Everybody is supposedly lazy when it comes to reading my fic. -_-;;; Anyway, if you've got a fic with a planned out plot, take the risk and go write it! =) Well, that's my philosophy anyway. Good luck with your Tales fic, though. ^w^
    Meh. I skimmed the first time, and now I'm actually reading it. XD

    Hmm... Interesting... Now I must somehow find a way to incorporate all this into my Pokemon fanfic....
    Speaking of which, have you read it yet? It should be posted in the Writing forum. I would appreciate if people would give my story a chance to read. =D
    I have basic knowledge in the French language, so at least that's a start. And about rolling the R's thing... I can't do that either. ^^;; Whenever I attempt to do so, it sounds like Repede's growling. =P

    Speaking of 'Tales', what are recurrent themes/mechanics/items in said series? I haven't played enough Tales games to point out them out (but I do know that the gels are recurrent items as well as skits as of yet).
    Or Babieskau.

    Also, are you going to redo your Top Ten list of Netnavi's or not?
    Meh, I gotta get somebody to pester me one way or another. =P

    As much as I would like to start learning a new language for the fun of it, I gotta get a better grasp of the French language first if I ever want to get a job here where I live. (Looks like you can pretty much guess where I live, huh?). Besides, I have major difficulties when learning languages other than English.
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