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  • Since I've obviously just stalked over your posts (>:D), I'd like to take part in this fusion discussion, since I'm probably the greatest persona fusing mastuh to ever walk this planet.

    I've gotta say, this a pretty tough question good sirs. I've made many damn good personae over the years of hard, intellectual, innovative creation, but Cu Chulainn mus be one of my greatest. Power Charge + Auto-(Ma?)Tarukaja + Swift Strike= epicness. Mazionga and Vile Assault didn't hurt either. I'm about to make a very indestructibly Alice soon.

    Also, Ken sucks. D:
    Since we're on the subject, which is the hardest Castlevania boss for you?
    Might I ask why he is the most horrible in Curse of Darkness?

    Also, here is my Boss Rush with Giant Bat Soul
    I tried having a Punch-Out with Legion, which kinda failed, still, I was just gonna record a boss rush run while being a bat.
    Look what I did.

    Creaking Skull is probably the most failed boss ever, on the same level as ANY Bowser fight.
    Sounds interested, but I don't have an PSP, so. DX

    Still, I've been looking at some videos about Persona 3, being the person I am, and I have become pretty fond of Ken, maybe because his Personae is rather damn cool.
    I knowww... ; ; Not only is he an incredibly useful tank with no weaknesses, but... that one scene with Akihiko after his death...

    god I'm so mad that my theory he would die was right. Stupid symbolic Personas.
    Well, I wouldn't know, seeing that I haven't played Persona 3, since I've heard that the difficulty is ass. :/
    Hey Blazing, I just fused myself an Odin!
    He turned out pretty good, getting Mind Charge, Maziodyne, Dekaja and Agidyne, which I think isn't all that bad, I fused him using Mother Harlot, Nebiros and Thor, I was hoping that I could make him inherit Thunder Reign, which he couldn't, and that is a shame.

    Speaking of it, what do you say is the best Persona you've managed to fuse?
    What!... You- Gah! *headsplatter*

    Sure guys, let's go place the sixth remaster of Tekken. :/
    ...What? You don't like Uncharted? Why the hell don't you like Uncharted mang, it was so much fun! D:<

    Whatever, I'ma gonna go try to finish this really hard version of Alice in P3. ipityu
    I actually used her until I got Naoto, because I like Naoto more and Naoto was five levels higher then everyone else.
    You're absolutely right, Kanji do not learn Tarukaja, he learns Matarukaja. I don't see any difference between God's Hand and Primal Force(but I wouldn't know, since I don't have those attacks yet), and I think Kanji does fine without Power Charge.

    And besides, I replaced Yosuke with Kanji, and then Chie with Teddie, so if anything, I should say that Teddie is better then Chie, as he have healing and a lot stronger magic, which is what I mainly used Chie for in the first place, while leaving all physical moves to drain teeny bits of Kanji's gigantic HP. So when I got Teddie I pretty much lost all reason to use Chie.
    Why thank you. It took a long time and a lot of money for gels. And I killed Stahn, Lloyd, and Leon. But I don't have 1000 grade to be a Magic Knight >< Anyway, killing Kratos was my greatest achievement. And I'm way to lazy to master every Arte to get my Mystic Arte. So, I'm thinking on leveling Tales Characters to get their Mystic Arte.
    Ya, true... I'm a LvL 41-43 Swordsman that beat Kratos. And that was hard. He heals like, 6000+ and I had to wait till he had 2000 health to use a really long combo...
    Hehe, I felt blessed when I saw Riviera sitting in a GameStop in Los Angeles one day.

    It felt like destiny when I saw Yggdra Union yesterday.

    And now I await my fated encounter with Knights in the Nightmare. xD
    You know Blazing, I have a question for you. What would you say is your favourite video game song? Or at least as close of a favourite as you can think of, since I can imagine such a thing is hard to choose.
    I've been trying to search for this avatar for who knows how long! And let me tell you, it was well worth it. ^w^

    ...Er, I mean... awesome! ^w^
    Oh hey Blazing Hearts, I ordered Persona 4 today, so I'll get it sometime next week! 8D

    Also, I just found out that Yuri Lowell and Kanji Tatsumi have the same voice actor, Troy Baker. That's kinda funny.
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