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  • I've never played a Persona game before, so I'll just be using the ones I like the most.
    I have a question regarding the true final boss of Persona 4, Izanagi-No-Okami. I watched a video with the fight and it looked pretty damn hard, you said that the game was easy, but still. Is that boss any hard?
    I used the Chaos Ring, I swear that have to be the best item in any game ever. I got around 7 minutes and 31 seconds, I think, the biggest things that got me stuck was the Head Hunter's last form and Graham's first form.
    The Head Hunter always managed to poison me and run into me, while it was very hard to hit Graham without getting hit by the fireballs he shot, the second phase was a lot easier, just blast that ring on the ceiling to death and then hide behind one of the hands and spam the fire attack.

    You should test it yourself, it makes the game somewhat more challenging, especially Balore.
    Hey Blazing, guess what I just managed to do in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow?

    Clear Boss Rush while being a bat! Am I cool now?
    You know.. we haven't played any BlazBlue since that once right after I got it xD We should really set up another time to play a bit. =D
    ...Also, random note, remember my moaning about the onscreen keyboard and needing one of those controller textpad things? Completely unneeded, did you know you can plug any USB keyboard into a wired controller port and use it to type? Friend of mine taught me that last night, it's bloody AWESOME~
    Ehwot? o.o There's an English (QWERTY) Setting, that's what I'm using, and it arranges it like a normal keyboard.
    And eep, I've been in training mode TONS trying to get the muscle memory for certain combos xD Only earlier did I pick up the air combo, but I can't do it in an actual match well at all. ;-; The CPUs though.. I haven't even tweaked them xD;; I've mostly done training and played with friends. Arcade mode I couldn't beat Unlimited Nu, and ScoreAttack I can't beat Bang.. The FIRST one. xD Ack, Bang is seriously "That Character" that I just have trouble with. No matter who I'm playing as.
    And ahaha xD I saved that replay, that was one in a million. Awesome stuff~ BADEN BADEN LI-OSHI
    I think this is a more efficient means of communication really.. I need one of those keyboard controller things xD;; The XBox is surprisingly good for keeping in touch but onscreen keyboards are as always sloooooow.
    But really good games. ^^ Really fun. I'm still such a nub, ack. xD I so badly want to be good with Rachel but there's so much to pay attention to and I choke in my combos, minion summons, blah~ Arakune also is a bit easy mode isn't he.. I didn't even know a lot of his commands by heart, notice I couldn't do his drive. xD;;;; For that matter I fail 70% of Baden Baden Lilies because I mis-input the control stick directions.
    Yay :3
    But booo D: Those sort of parental things suck I thought the only consolation for actually making it through school was coming home and beating things up on a virtual plane. (And toss one on an airplane and all bets are off) Someone should see the complaint department.
    But I've added you :3 So we can go about super awesome BlazBlueiness tomorrow~ Or.. later today.
    So... I've finally been able to pick up my XBox :3 What might your gamertag be?
    I'm Sablechu, for better or for worse, ehehe xD And gods I hate Jin so much. EVEN THE CPU JIN IS AN ARSE.
    My brother's actually got his eye on Tales of Vesperia as well, but we can't seem to find it anywhere.
    Actually, if I recall correctly my brother's playing Devil Survivor at the moment. I think I'll go for that. The Shadow Hearts games sound entertaining too; God knows I need to improve my reflexes >.<
    We don't have a PS1, unfortunately, and I'm not one for emulating since it depends quite a bit on my keyboard, and it's taken a beating recently. I might try those once I get a new one, though. Thanks for the suggestions.
    Huh, you seem to be quite the gamer. The only game I've actually grown up with is Pokemon, although I've watched my brother play all sorts of games. I've gotten into Tales of... games as well; although I've only played Tales of Syphonia 2, I have my eye on Tales of Vesperia. I've also gotten into Shin Megami Tensei; I've played Persona 3 and 4 and I've been itching for another turn-based strategy game from them. You got any suggestions?

    Exploration-based games are awesome, though it's the shooting part of Metroid that screws me over. I have a really shaky hand. Okami (Does that could as exploration-based?) was one that I really enjoyed.
    Maybe, although you'll probably destroy me since I'm not very good at BlazBlue. My brother's going to university soon though, and he'll take the PS3 with him, so chances are I'll only be able to play during holidays.

    Oh, I see you're interested in those types of games? I prefer turn-based strategy, Persona especially, and cage-fighting games like say, .hack GU. I've never really had much skill with arcade games >.>
    Huh. Well, if you don't punish those moves, how are you supposed to win? Actually, my brother mains Tao as well, and he hasn't gotten any hatemail. Isn't her Dancing Edge supposed to be used to play mind games? And hell, if they think mind games with Tao, Ragna, and Carl are unfair, I think they'll tear their hair out when they face a good Arakune.

    We play on the PS3.
    Neato :3 Ehehe~ Pretty much waiting for a card renewal at the moment. ><'' Perfect timing for them to drop as always. Guess I can't complain about not getting a game system right when I want it but it's like clockwork with this sort of thing. xD;; You know of any others on BB-XBL? I completely want in on some TCoD fights. :3

    And ehehe, I like pressure characters. :3 Which I guess can count as trap, I tried to get lightning traps behind and then freak my opponent out with a rush down. Of course keyword being tried.. didn't get much time and that was not adequate for getting anything down. xD;; I still need to try most of the cast. Hakumen looks really interesting, and Nu looks pretty fun too; only thing is everyone hates her. I guess I can see why though. D: JODEI TENKO
    'Fcourse a bunch don't look too good for me, but I still need to try more. Ragna is a little too bread-and-butter. I generally flop as heavies so I'm scared of Tager. And Jin is just a jerk.
    ..Actually I main Rachel, but Tao is just adorable. x3 That and there was no dancing Rachel avatar so it had to be.
    -Well, I should say WILL main Rachel. See, I have the game, but not the system. I got IMMEDIATELY addicted to it, but mixups have left me without the system itself yet. D: So I can't say I have a -set in stone- main until I try them LOTS more. I also am fond of Arakune though. :3 BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
    Do you have it on XBox? Once I DO manage to get it I need friends to practice with so I don't look quite a fool in random. xD;;
    *drops in out of nowhere* Ohhaithar.
    My brother and I lost so hard on your "Lol ice car" picture. Seriously, I've seen so many ice car spammers online, it's not even funny. >:U
    Hey Blazing, you like the Persona game, right?

    If so, which one of Persona 3 or 4 do you think is the better one? I'm pretty interested in trying out one of them.
    Oh yeah, I remember seeing your picture there! And it just confirms how you look so different than what I first thought. =P If you're interested, I also posted a few pictures of myself; I blame the people who posted there for tempting me to do the same. XP

    Autophobia, the fear of being alone. I think the word you're looking for is motorphobia.
    And speaking of phobias, that's a good question. Hmm.... scarephobia? :S
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