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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Aha! Finnaly!

    It turns out, according to my persanality disorder test, I am a Narrcissit, but I'm mostly a Schizoid.

    :P Just like Lord Voldemort.
    Uh, no.
    It was a LCMS youth conference, Lutheran, and stuff. Comuning with nature isn't on our list (keeping it safe is on there though). Although i did take pictures of Squirrels!! ^_^
    I understand. If you ever feel the need to talk about it, though, I'll listen. I've said this multiple times, I value my friendships a lot— maybe a bit too much for my well being to handle.
    And by the way, 'feeling like I'm accepted, like I mattered/I'm worth something' was what I meant when I typed that part down. My fault for wrong word choice. XP

    Getting the gloominess outta our systems, wanna learn how to make ninja stars? :3
    ..................Um, let me correct that: we have a lot in common personality-wise.

    From kindergarten to second grade, everybody made fun of me— a lot. I felt lonely, isolated from everybody else. Nobody wanted to hang out with me, probably because they never understood me or I was completely retarded back then, which was true but I had become more mature over time. And because of that maturity, the insults intended for me lessened, and thus, as a result, I managed to gain a very small group of friends I can hang out with yet still feel isolated/rejected from them. It made me feel slightly happy if only for a little while, but as of present, I still feel like nobody cares about my existence (in other words, I feel like I'm invisible/unwanted/don't belong to them).

    *Sighs* I can feel your pain, Nottie, but to a much lesser extent. I-If it's alright with you, do you mind if I read the whole story? It's better to release your emotions than holding them all in. (Do it by PM if you feel that uncomfortable).
    Looks like we both want the same thing from a friend, Nottie. ^w^

    Heh... isn't it funny how we have so much in common? (Actually, it's starting to freak me out! O.o)

    No one's even at the table. Tio's in a chair, no matter how much we tell 'im to use the table, Nan's in her wheelchair..um. She has her own table and it's hard to wheel her to a table that's THAT low, Mom already ate, thus...

    I'd be lonely and I already do the leg thing.
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