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  • Typh.
    Why are you thinking like that?
    I mean, really? You just go like that? What about everyone here? Do you know how many people were cheered up, with all the fun in your conversation? What about all your friends? Do you know how much it'll hit the forum, if you just up and go?
    What about Notory? What about me? What about Skroy and Scyther, who care for you? We all love you Typh. (you know, not in the disturbing way) Do you know how horrid it would be for all of us if you just went and gone?
    a) On average, $523,400

    Typh. Do you NEED the transplant now? Maybe you can wait, wait long enough so that your family can save up the money. And yes, I agree with you. You shouldn't take your mom's liver, for protection. The liver is a vital point in your body, and if you don't have one or it is seriously failing, you might get cancer or at the worst point...you know. There's a lot of sorrow in losing a family member, especially a parent....
    Typh. You should wait until you ABSOLUTELY NEED IT. Okay?
    DUUUUUR. :3
    LOL do you like mah new siggy?
    I'm looking for a funny quote in place of the clicky thing though. -w-
    i was going to say i ran out of nutella but
    i used to have liver problems. i was warned it might lead to cancer, but yeah, it's slowed down. your problem seems really serious though. it really sorta explains the way you've been acting, too.
    Feel better, Typh.
    I... D:< I can swim just FINE Spencer! D:

    (AUGH! D: I do remember that.

    Omg, omg just like... two more days until Psych~ :3 I'm so happy~ :DD)

    I'll get back to you in a few months. *runs off to.. I don't even know what website*
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