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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Are how be you?

    I happen to be bleeding from my forehead D: Isn't bad, but I think since i got all tall, my head bumped against the bedframe. Typh s'dumb. ><
    I think i'm going to join the fad of upside down avies.
    Hey, what are you choosing as your starter when (or if) you get HG or SS?

    Roughly translated that means I'll fit you in if I get a chance :3 What as?

    Comic is going good :3 I'm being lazeh with updates o' course. But I expect I'll get some done next week when I'm at my nan's and don't have teh Internets to distract me D:
    Aha, that's awful, Skroy. Savagly (spelling) ripping apart and analizing (spelling) my words. XD
    Whatever works though. Passing classes is good. :3

    ^Do take note that I'll correct any mistakes I am able to spot. And sometimes I may miss a mistake or even correct a word/passage wrong. I'm not perfect, obviously, but I am doing the best I can. =P

    EDIT: As for your current user title: "Go get a brain morans (spelling)"

    It's going well. I've made two new friends after admitting my Poképhile self. ^w^
    Anyway, I should be sleeping now; I have classes tomorrow and I have to get up REALLY early. >.>
    Night, Nottie.
    Poke snagged the berry from the fish and cloned it and I just ate one~!

    I snagged your berry from the fish, then cloned it.
    Bias, or biased as most say, means that you l;ean (spelling) a bit more to one side. Liiiiike.. (diction)
    A republican is biased towards (remove the '-s') republicans.
    An aristocrate (spelling) is biased towards (remove the '-s') aristocrates (spelling) (the snooty arrogant ones anyways (remove the '-s')).
    Or I may be getting it wrong, as in Republicans are biased towards (remove the '-s') Democrates (remove the '-es'; replace with '-s'), but you get the idea.

    ^Yes, from now on, I'll be correcting the messages you leave in my profile. This is because careful proofreading is ESSENTIAL in one class of mine if I want to pass or even get a grade.
    Thank you for the definition, Nottie; your definition makes it so much easier to understand the word 'bias' now. ^w^
    K, so maybe I was being a bit of a jacka**. and I do agree that I overreacted those couple of times about sonic. :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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