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Notoriously Unknown

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  • *sets you free then smashes masterball* I cant catch you, I just wanted the glory of being the first one to succesfully capture showers, the worlds only purple vaporion!
    Yeah, but anything more than that and I'll be awake for a long time and Typh will get bad grades and tehn get kicked out of school andandand*vicious cycle*
    Of course they do.

    also erm, I'm almost fouteen...! (Yess an excuuuse)

    Also, I'm sorry. Only can be on about..two hours per day on a school week. Fridays Saturdays and stuff we can talk unlimited-ly *aside from my usual break and homework and projects, I'll miss a day or two on, but...till then kinda limited.

    No, my convo with Mike loads sometimes. We have over 800, apprently.

    And the engine has its own mind.

    And just-thirteen-year olds aren't too believeable, either. Actually really, no one is. In total.
    Apparently, I have a WEAK vocabulary. Notice the emphasis placed on the word, "weak". For instance, I hear this word a lot but I never understood its meaning:

    What the hell does "bias" mean?! O_o
    What? :3

    Okay, two weeks have passed since I started my first days of college. Because of what happened in my classrooms today, I've fully realized that I need a lot more help than I first thought. I need to develop my mind and improve my current level of mentality to overcome most obstacles I will experience in college. Now then, I'm going to pull all the stops just to help myself grow in character. How I'm going to do this may annoy you a lot and make me sound stupid but be aware that this is will be beneficial to my mental development and possibly to you, too.
    You know what I just realized?

    What if I died? Would you guys ever know?

    Or what if I for some reason did commit suicide, and I left a note for you guys? Would you guys even believe it?

    It makes me kind of sad, actually.
    Wish I could >:

    REALLY wish I could.

    (Go try and check your E-msail. Ignore the nutzo theory unless it's well written then, maybe-respond?

    Oh and WHY.)
    Fun times. *limps over to patient*

    (derp da durr House MD references durrr herp.

    And yes, sorta-dancing. To Stayin' Alive. In some parts.

    WHAAT xD)
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