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  • Well, people would feel guilt. Eventual remorse. Everyone else here would not react, just the foward glances and forget it by tommorow morning. Some might even crack a joke, the assholes.

    Plus,if I die, nothing would change. I haevn't done anything with my life. You have the change to. More than I'll even get, anyhow. Just go ahead and ask people. I assure you it will all be pity. *shrug*
    Well like I said.. some things will change, others way. Overall body form will change, hips getting bigger, breast growth, and the like. But voice can't change from hormones alone from male to female, as once the vocal chords have grown they can't shrink again. THey can still be manipulated with voice training though.. Another thing that doesn't leave is facial hair roots, they have to be removed by electrolysis.. which I started, but ran out of money for. :/ It's more or less jabbing a needle into every hair follicle and superheating it to blast and kill the root. One hair at a time.. it takes ages and hurts like a mother- it's certainly the worst part.. As if the cost wasn't bad enough. Another thing that won't change is skeletal structure, at least not too much. Sometimes it reduces a bit, but I'll always have a bit of a boyish frame.
    The Pink in purple one belongs to Antaurisgirl
    I was a normal and still a special Eevee..........

    Everyone's blood sugar levels are between 70 and 150.

    See, pere-diabetics have a fluctuating high and low one. In those levels. Like an actal diebetic.
    Eheh... I don't mind answering questions..... I just figure most people don't want to ask them.
    Really... no, I mean getting it off smarts a bit, but after it's all set it really isn't a bother. The problem with the duct tape is the strength of the adhesive. <_< Ow... Plus some of it sticks for a bit. Very awkward in all but better than the alternatives. :/

    Also, previous question: Hormones work in.. the exact same way they do in their regular forme. Albeit, they can't change everything that's already done, they can help reshape the body. It's like a second puberty, where the body registers the increased hormone levels and builds itself accordingly. Essentially my hips are still meant to widen, my chest will grow out (And become functional for that matter, as if it matters though :/ Sigh... ), skin becomes fairer and smoother.. pretty much, makes the body passably feminine. The opposite is true for taking testosterone as a female. With the added bonus of actually affecting the voice and facial hair without need for outside treatments.
    Dun push it. Yer lucky I'm still up, I've nearly passed out...how many times now?

    I'm gonna go use Nan's blood sugar machine (doctor said it was fine) and go check. Have a feeling that has to do with it.
    Ahem.. no.. no there are other ways to deal with that annoyance... <<''''' Like duct tape...... I should really get medical tape for it though, kind of..... uncomfortable.
    ...Wow the conversations I manage to get into..
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