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Notoriously Unknown

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  • From nearly touching my bum to the start of the small of my back.

    Er...so five centimeters, the shortest part? (They did some weird layer thing D:)
    Unfortunately.. no, not yet :/ The government and medical systems alike are no more helpful than the lovely parental units with this.. it tends to take far too much time.. but I'm working on that. Albeit I hope they hurry up because more than once I've nearly performed self-surgery with a kitchen knife.
    I'm on hormones right now.. which is the all-purpose first step and reshapes ones body to their alignment. Takes a bit though.. Of course, in the interim, apparently I'm a family destroyer because I'd like to wear a skirt instead of the usual cloth pants..
    Well.. physically? Yeah.. I never truly was though.. My parents just follow gender roles like any other bigot would. Of course they always just figured I was gay and I was terrible at explaining things.. Now they always go on about "Why couldn't you just be gay" .... :/ Uhm.....
    Check the Clubs section. In fact, you should see my user name there before entering.

    Um............................................. I have no clue how to comment on that.
    o.o I was totally scared I accidently left that on your profile.. somehow ><;; I would be the one to manage that.
    Eeee.. It's my parents.. ((When is it not, though)) Sigh.. They're such bigots. D: I doubt anyone needs to really hear me ramble about them though. I half-arsed it in the LBGT club thread though if you really need a rant to read. ><;;; I shouldn't be bothering people like this though...


    Oh, and I'm randomly drawing TCoD people. As practice. Yer(and I mean you literally, not Notory) are...well, the next easiest (not including me, of course O:)
    Um, I'm striving to become a video game programmer. If worst comes to worst, though, I'll be a math teacher instead. :D
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