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Search results

  1. Xelac

    The Final Fantasy club

    I don't know enough characters to make a top ten, but Sephiroth is pretty cool. I might make a Kingdom Hearts club, so if you also like Kingdom Hearts watch out for it. I thought this was the best place to say that .
  2. Xelac

    Who's your favorite Kingdom Hearts character?

    I'm nutrual about Organization XIII members, screw everyone else!
  3. Xelac

    Most disturbing bosses you've seen in any game ever?

    Marluxia from Kingdom hearts Re-Chain of Memories is very hard to beat and evil, but the fact that he has pink hair, weilds a pink scyth, and also attacks his opponets with red rose petals is retarded...
  4. Xelac

    Hardest Final Bosses in video games!

    In Kngdom Hearts II Final Mix +, after you beat the game, you can fight Terra. He's optional, but ridiculously hard.
  5. Xelac


    I don't know how to quote a part of something, but about the Bob one, he wasn't arrested because he ran.
  6. Xelac


    Here's another riddle: In marble walls as white as milk, Lined with skin as soft as silk, Withen a fountain crystal clear, A golden apple does appear. No doors are there to this stronghold, Yet theives break in and steal the gold.
  7. Xelac


    Post riddles here! Type the answer bakwards. I don't mean dumb riddles, I mean riddles like this one: As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wives, Each wife had 7 sacks, Each sack had 7 cats, Each cat had 7 kits, Kits, cats, sacks and wives, How many were going to St. Ives? answer: eno
  8. Xelac

    Weird Phobias?

    I'm not afraid of loud noises, I just don't like them unless I'm the one making it. I HATE it when people are afraid of snakes. They are a lot more afraid of you because people kill them for no reason!!!!!!! They are not slimy! Not all of them are venomous! Some people even think they are...
  9. Xelac

    The Final Fantasy club

    *join* I don't know much about Final Fantasy, I've only seen Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. I know the words to the Advent children version of One Winged Angel. I know more about Kingdom Hearts though.
  10. Xelac

    What pokemon do you never want to evolve?

    Vigoroth isn't as lazy as slakoth and slaking. Honchkrow looks weird, so if I train a murkrow, I probobly wouldn't evolve it.
  11. Xelac

    Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon?

    Re: Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon? Shiny charizard and rayquaza look cool, but shiny murcrow looks rediculous in pink. It's a dark type!!!!
  12. Xelac

    Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?

    Pikachu should evolve, but stupid Ash dosen't evolve half his pokemon. A Raichu would be better, but he will always keep Pikachu and the rest of his team weak.
  13. Xelac

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    I agree with everything that has been put up. I saw that retarted thing where they ask you what evolves into seviper and EVERYONE knows that nothing evolves into seviper and seviper dosn't evolve into anything.It's like pokemon creaters don't know anything about their own creations! They also...
  14. Xelac

    How do you put dragon eggs in your sig.?

    Thank you. I'll try that.
  15. Xelac

    How do you put dragon eggs in your sig.?

    This is for Dragon Cave members only. I don't think anyone else would know.
  16. Xelac

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    I'm not sure, but I tend to fame charizard more then any other pokemon besides legondaries.
  17. Xelac

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? I would probobly have an arcanine since it's so loyal.
  18. Xelac

    introducing myself

    Err... I have nothing to say except that I'm new.
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