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Post riddles here! Type the answer bakwards. I don't mean dumb riddles, I mean riddles like this one:

As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with 7 wives,
Each wife had 7 sacks,
Each sack had 7 cats,
Each cat had 7 kits,
Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?

answer: eno​

I don't like this riddle... who's to say the people you 'met' weren't going the same way? D:
Here's another riddle:

In marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with skin as soft as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold,
Yet theives break in and steal the gold.
An egg, but I can't remember where I heard that one...

Anyway, riddles:

1. A man lives in a house all on his own. He never goes out and nobody ever visits him. One night he turns off all the lights and leaves the house. This action causes the death of five people. How?

2. You are in a hot-air balloon off the coast of France holding a brick and a bowling ball. If you drop them both at the same time which will hit the ground first?

3. A man is sealed in a cell with no windows and no doors. He can't tunnel out, climb out through the ceiling, break the wall down or generally break out in any way, but when the guards check on him in the morning he is gone. How?

4. A horse jumps over a castle and it disappears. Explain.

5. Bob is going to have a new car delivered to his house one day, and is so eager to show it to his friends that he rushes home, passing through three red lights, going the wrong way up a one-way street and almost knocking into a pedestrian. A policeman witnesses all of this from his patrol car but makes no attempt to arrest Bob or otherwise react to any of it. Why not?

I know loads more, but I forget most of 'em...
An egg, but I can't remember where I heard that one...

Anyway, riddles:

1. A man lives in a house all on his own. He never goes out and nobody ever visits him. One night he turns off all the lights and leaves the house. This action causes the death of five people. How?

2. You are in a hot-air balloon off the coast of France holding a brick and a bowling ball. If you drop them both at the same time which will hit the ground first?

3. A man is sealed in a cell with no windows and no doors. He can't tunnel out, climb out through the ceiling, break the wall down or generally break out in any way, but when the guards check on him in the morning he is gone. How?

4. A horse jumps over a castle and it disappears. Explain.

5. Bob is going to have a new car delivered to his house one day, and is so eager to show it to his friends that he rushes home, passing through three red lights, going the wrong way up a one-way street and almost knocking into a pedestrian. A policeman witnesses all of this from his patrol car but makes no attempt to arrest Bob or otherwise react to any of it. Why not?

I know loads more, but I forget most of 'em...

I don't know how to quote a part of something, but about the Bob one, he wasn't arrested because he ran.
5. Bob is going to have a new car delivered to his house one day, and is so eager to show it to his friends that he rushes home, passing through three red lights, going the wrong way up a one-way street and almost knocking into a pedestrian. A policeman witnesses all of this from his patrol car but makes no attempt to arrest Bob or otherwise react to any of it. Why not?

Bob is the policeman.
An egg, but I can't remember where I heard that one...

Anyway, riddles:

1. A man lives in a house all on his own. He never goes out and nobody ever visits him. One night he turns off all the lights and leaves the house. This action causes the death of five people. How?

2. You are in a hot-air balloon off the coast of France holding a brick and a bowling ball. If you drop them both at the same time which will hit the ground first?

3. A man is sealed in a cell with no windows and no doors. He can't tunnel out, climb out through the ceiling, break the wall down or generally break out in any way, but when the guards check on him in the morning he is gone. How?

4. A horse jumps over a castle and it disappears. Explain.

5. Bob is going to have a new car delivered to his house one day, and is so eager to show it to his friends that he rushes home, passing through three red lights, going the wrong way up a one-way street and almost knocking into a pedestrian. A policeman witnesses all of this from his patrol car but makes no attempt to arrest Bob or otherwise react to any of it. Why not?

I know loads more, but I forget most of 'em...

O_O these riddles are HARD.
lighthouse, neither because you're over water, idk (but how can the guards check on him if there are no windows or doors?), you're playing chess, bob is walking/riding a bike
^ I was wondering that too, pieces inj chess take by moving onto the same square as the opponent's piece.


Tall and pointed,
Fin on head,
Immune to cold and hot,
Water I dread.

Golden scales,
Roar and you're sure
With my claws I have magic
Explosions I conjure.

(Not Pokemon, it might be a bit hard to guess because this comes from something so unpopular.

Darksong, don't guess.)

Fire? And Xelac showed me the book that those came from, so I won't answer those.
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3. A man is sealed in a cell with no windows and no doors. He can't tunnel out, climb out through the ceiling, break the wall down or generally break out in any way, but when the guards check on him in the morning he is gone. How?
The answer is that he got out of the hole where the door should have been
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A man is attacked fiercely by a twelve-foot chicken but he does not get hurt. He is wearing no kind of armor and does not move. The chicken is perfectly aimed to the spot. How is this possible?

A dragon breathes fire at another dragon, the latter of which is not hurt. However another dragon causes a fireball to torch the latter dragon, but the latter dragon dies. How is this possible?

A robot is squirted with water but does not malfunction. Explain.
I have two Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker riddles, the first easy and the second hard.:

One is green, the other red,
And though I've a nail through my head,
How do I manage to not drop dead?


I may be a bug, but I'm not plain;
I run as fast as a speeding train.
How do you avoid me piercing your brain
While away from me the others refrain?
A man is attacked fiercely by a twelve-foot chicken but he does not get hurt. He is wearing no kind of armor and does not move. The chicken is perfectly aimed to the spot. How is this possible?

A dragon breathes fire at another dragon, the latter of which is not hurt. However another dragon causes a fireball to torch the latter dragon, but the latter dragon dies. How is this possible?

A robot is squirted with water but does not malfunction. Explain.
is it just me, or are these riddles really... uh... unrealistic?
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