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Mewtwo, Shadow_lugia: Wrong. But Shadow_lugia, good idea :D

I have two Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker riddles

A Pokemon riddle:

The blue sky endlessly calls me.
The drag of walking endlessly stalls me.
And I would've died, but the strength of my head endlessly appalls me.
Hmm. Here's a riddle for you:

White flakes fall from above
But if you make a snowman out of them
You're pretty much an idiot
What are they?
A man is attacked fiercely by a twelve-foot chicken but he does not get hurt. He is wearing no kind of armor and does not move. The chicken is perfectly aimed to the spot. How is this possible?

Is the word 'chicken' is reffering to a scared person?
A man is attacked fiercely by a twelve-foot chicken but he does not get hurt. He is wearing no kind of armor and does not move. The chicken is perfectly aimed to the spot. How is this possible?

Umm, the chicken couldn't coordinate well because it had twelve feet?
I have a riddle.

On Friday night, Mr. Johnson was murdered. The police brought Mr. Smith into the station for questioning. Tell us your whole story," the policeman said. "Well, I was walking down the street when a bloodcurdling scream came from my neighbor's house. I ran up to his window, but couldn't see through the window because it was fogged up. I quickly wiped the window, and saw Mr. Johnson laying in a pool of blood in his den with a bloody knife on the floor. I ran into his house and called 911."

The policeman arrested him right on the spot. How did he know Mr. Smith was lying?

The fog on windows forms on the inside. He couldn't have wiped off the window from the outside. Mr. Smith knew the room Mr. Johnson was in and what he was murdered with
Here's one.

A man was driving a black car on a freshly tarred road. There was no moon out. Suddenly, a black woman in a dark blue dress stepped in front of his car. He saw her and braked, avoiding her by ten inches. How?
Here's one.

A man was driving a black car on a freshly tarred road. There was no moon out. Suddenly, a black woman in a dark blue dress stepped in front of his car. He saw her and braked, avoiding her by ten inches. How?

Either what Rotomize said or his headlights illuminated the woman.
Here's one from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:

First think of the person who lives in disguise,
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies,
Next, tell me whats always the last thing to mend,
The middle of middle and end of the end?
And finaly give me the sound often heard,
During the search for a hard to find word,
Now string them together, and answer me this:
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

Don't answer if you've read the book.
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