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Most disturbing bosses you've seen in any game ever?

Well if I remember correctly I had a PS1 game ages and ages ago on which the first boss was a giant toadstool who fired mushrooms at you by sneezing. I'm not even making that up.
Guh.............. There are some freakish bosses in Twilight Princess. Not only was that giant skeleton Stallord creepy, but the dungeon he lurks in was crawling with Redeads. I had nightmares for weeks...

YEAH I HAVE AN IRRATIONAL FEAR OF REDEADS! Leave me alone, I had a bad experiance when I was six years old.

Yeah, I remember OoT's Redeads. That's pretty much what made me stop playing that game. Majora's wasn't that bad because you could make them dance, though.

I'd have to say Marx Soul from KSSU was pretty disturbing, mostly because of how it looked, the weird laughing noises it made, and the way it screamed when you killed it.

Oh, and one video that displays some disturbing Bosses can be found here.
Marluxia from Kingdom hearts Re-Chain of Memories is very hard to beat and evil, but the fact that he has pink hair, weilds a pink scyth, and also attacks his opponets with red rose petals is retarded...
Hojo's various messed-up monster forms in Final Fantasy VII, I guess? I don't play enough video games. :/
Never actually played Earthbound (but I want to so so badly D: ), but I've seen a video of the Giygas battle, and may I just say holy shit.

I haven't played that many creepy boss battles; 0-2 is probably the worst I've actually played, but that's not saying much.
Never actually played Earthbound (but I want to so so badly D: ), but I've seen a video of the Giygas battle, and may I just say holy shit.

What makes the Giygas battle even creepier is how the rest of the game is NOTHING like it. For the most part, it's lighthearted and optimistic, and though there's a few kind of creepy moments, they're not too bad. The BLAM! Giygas happens.
I have to say, Tucker from Emerald's Battle Frontier does disturb me a bit. o.O So does Fatina, now that I think about it. She looks like a cross-dressing man. Dunno if you all consider gym leaders as bosses, but hey.
Even though It's also one of my favorite bosses ever... Legion/Granfaloon from the Castlevania games scares the crap outta me... Oo"
Well if I remember correctly I had a PS1 game ages and ages ago on which the first boss was a giant toadstool who fired mushrooms at you by sneezing. I'm not even making that up.

Hahaha, Pandemonium wasn't it? IIRC the last boss was an eyeball, which made me lol.
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