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Good for you.
Post riddles here! Type the answer bakwards. I don't mean dumb riddles, I mean riddles like this one:

As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with 7 wives,
Each wife had 7 sacks,
Each sack had 7 cats,
Each cat had 7 kits,
Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?

answer: eno​
Better yet, we could type the answers in spoiler tags, or even better, don't answer your own riddles.

Like this, see? You can't see it unless you highlight it. Also, it's too easy for somebody to rearrange the letters in such a small word, one. that's why most books have their riddle answers upside down or hidden on a different page.
There was a man going on a two-day trip on horseback. He left on Friday and came back on Friday. How is this?

((I know, lame, but I wanted to post something!))
It's the almighty Sphinx's Riddle.

It has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs at night.

What is it?

It's pretty easy, but it's my favourite riddle.
Yes, Taliax, you are correct.

And the other answer is a human. When you are a baby, you crawl on fours. When you are a child/young adult, you are bipedal. When you are old, you walk with your legs and a cane.
Here's another riddle:

In marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with skin as soft as silk,
Withen a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold,
Yet theives break in and steal the gold.
Fine, be stubborn. D:<


Riddle stolen from Little Britain.
Here's another riddle:

In marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with skin as soft as silk,
Withen a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold,
Yet theives break in and steal the gold.

An egg. Oooh I know where you're getting these
An egg. Oooh I know where you're getting these


Tall and pointed,
Fin on head,
Immune to cold and hot,
Water I dread.

Golden scales,
Roar and you're sure
With my claws I have magic
Explosions I conjure.

(Not Pokemon, it might be a bit hard to guess because this comes from something so unpopular.

Darksong, don't guess.)
You're in a small, empty house at the edge of a cliff.

One door leads straight off the edge of the cliff. The ground below is lined with sharp stalagmites.

The other door leads onto solid ground; however, outside is a pack of wolves who haven't eaten for three weeks.

You'll die of thirst if you stay in the house. Which way do you take?
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