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Search results

  1. Automata heart

    The TCoD cosplayers club~

    any more cosplayers on TCoD? what cosplays have you done? where? what do you like about it?
  2. Automata heart

    Misreadings and stuff

    read lockon specks as lolicon specks.
  3. Automata heart

    Ghana Minister Urges Arrest of Homosexuals

    This is rather sad. :angry: especially when its through the medium of religion. there seems to be an all-over regression of the separation of church and state all over the world. (not counting New York's same sex marriage a few weeks ago. that made my year)
  4. Automata heart

    Your Past Self

    hi younger me. stop being so clingy and yandere, try being cuter and more innocent. work harder in math, grow your hair, you need glasses, try smiling and talking to people you meet, or you seem like rude little cynical sh*t, get on facebook, those people are going to help you through a hell of...
  5. Automata heart

    That awkward moment when...

    that awkward moment when your watching harry potter 7 part 2 with the person you like and you can't stop crying.
  6. Automata heart

    Eysenck personality test

    "Extroversion (sociability) |||||||||||||| 60% Neuroticism (emotionality) |||||||||||||||||| 77% Psychoticism (rebelliousness) |||||||||||||||||| 75% Extroversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the...
  7. Automata heart

    would you like me to make you an ash ketchem cosplay for overload?

    would you like me to make you an ash ketchem cosplay for overload?
  8. Automata heart


    i say "kyaaa" a lot. and i yell "Glomp!" when running to catch up to someone. i also use "excuse mwa" in french. (i was rasied with french and english spoken around the house)
  9. Automata heart

    haha! i am older than you!!!! now you have to call me onee-chan.

    haha! i am older than you!!!! now you have to call me onee-chan.
  10. Automata heart

    today be my birthday!!!! ^____^ 15 and learning to drive

    today be my birthday!!!! ^____^ 15 and learning to drive
  11. Automata heart

    Microwave meals

    watties spagiti. i don't really eat enough to really make stuff in the microwave, i mostly use it to heat up stuff that is already cooked. (one of the awesome things about living with your mum.)
  12. Automata heart

    I didn't start it. when you see the news you will know what i'm talking about.

    I didn't start it. when you see the news you will know what i'm talking about.
  13. Automata heart

    Weirdest conversations you have had.

    mine was probably today when talking to my mum, we discussed calmly how i would dispose of the body if I killed her. Whats yours?
  14. Automata heart

    The world ends on Saturday

    We are plenty gay.
  15. Automata heart

    Sad Songs

    Kagamine rin kokoro. I've never made it to the end without crying. dark woods circus is quite sad if you think about how miku feels. and, for some reson, hatsune miku's Hato makes me cry.
  16. Automata heart

    How many nipples, fingers, and toes do you have?

    two nipples, 5 fingers and 5 toes but the ones next to my big toe and the one next to that are joined up to the second knuckle. it actually looks pretty cool.
  17. Automata heart

    Looks like my life is looking up.

    Well, today my mum got on the radio to suggest a song, and got talking to the host of the radio show, and mentioned the fact i was fundraising to go to the nz girl guiding jamboree (like a huge camp) in January 2012, and we have been getting calls all day from people wanting to help me out. I've...
  18. Automata heart

    you HAVE to call me as soon as you see this. i have massive good news to tell you.

    you HAVE to call me as soon as you see this. i have massive good news to tell you.
  19. Automata heart


    Hi and nice to meet you. Welcome to TCoD. cake and grief counselling will be available at the end of your stay here.
  20. Automata heart

    The world ends on Saturday

    Well lovely. and thats the day of a antiques fair i've been looking froward to for weeks.
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