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I say 'that's lovely' a lot, always sarcastically. Uhm, I also say uhm and uh and er and things like that. And I use a lot of ellipses. ... :D In real life too! They're very audible.
In real life, I often say "wut" instead of "what" if the situation calls for it. Also, I frequently say "are you serious", "flogged (when referring to a heavy defeat)" and "facepalm", as well as using "trolled" and variants thereof outside the Internet.
I like Joyous a lot. Especially when it's sarcastic.

I also have this little bag of tissues. I throw it at people's faces and say, "GET PWND," and have thus dubbed it my "pwnbag."... Yaaaaay.
I've realized that I use "my dear" when playing Pokémon games even when addressing someone I haven't just defeated and don't intend to defeat. It can also be a Pokémon I have positive feelings for.
i say "kyaaa" a lot. and i yell "Glomp!" when running to catch up to someone. i also use "excuse mwa" in french. (i was rasied with french and english spoken around the house)
I say "verily" and "indubitably" a lot. I've also been tryin gto start saying "Great Scott!" as much as possible.

Most of mine are only used in tandem with a friend of mine. These are mostly chatspeak phrases pronounced aloud, such as "Icker?" (IKR) "Burb" (BRB) or "Dee Eff?" as in "...da fuck?"

Yeah. My friend and I are crazy.
Oh, also! I often refer to groups of people collectively as "you kids", which sometimes annoys people marginally younger than me, but I don't mean it as a diminutive, and often use it when addressing my parents.
Saying "It's so wtf" and actually pronouncing the letters in "wtf".

"That's gonna put a damper on our evening plans." Part of my tendency to underestimate everything, anytime anyone mentions something that would be a serious inconvenience (usually a joke about death but sometimes other problems get this response to) I'll respond with "That - that's gonna put a damper on our evening plans." My best friend's picked this up from me.

"Don't die!" Anytime anyone's about to leave even temporarily this is my response to them. Picked up from when one of my guy friends would yell after people going to the bathroom that "Don't drown!" Anytime I tell my best friend not to die she always responds with "I'll try not to."

"I have discovered it." It's a quote from a youtube video and it's said in a rather snarky manner and I've taken to using this phrase (and imitating the snarky tone) whenever I find something. (I'm currently searching for the youtube video it's from. I still have yet to discover it. :x)

"WAAN-der-ful!" From the dumb stuff Oak says in Pokémon Snap. Best friend and I have adopted this to refer to anything of interest. (To a lesser extent we've also adopted a number of other of Oak's mannerisms, including "Uoouh!" "It's enjoying the apple-shaped Pokémon food!" and "It looks jolly!")

"It looks so, like... *unintelligible noise*". Because both my best friend and I use the same noises to express the same ideas, just making these noises can communicate our points because we understand what the noises are supposed to represent. We have our own dialect of English peppered with broken grammar rules, misused parts of speech, made-up words, movie/video game/Youtube video quotes, and a metric fuckton of noises.

also: "You do that." anytime anyone says that "I'm going to [verb]" I just always respond with "You do that." Every single time.
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I say "It doesn't like me :(" whenever I can't get something to work. I also say sad-face a lot to verbalize emoticons for sadness x]
I say "Have fun" "Yupyupyup" and "I say that way too much" way too much.

...Did that make sense?

My friend says "Yummy" in response to everything ("I'm going to the bathroom." "Yummy!")

Also, if I'm talking and someone interrupts me, I turn to them, say "That's nice", and just keep talking.
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I say "What the fail", "DARN IT", "K", "Oh gosh", and "Wow. Just wow," many times.
I also say "And?" if I'm not paying attention and if somone asks me something.

Edit:"Rageface!", "Gad," "WHAT THE FOO!", and "Grrrrrr....."
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