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sup bro; greeting
sup nonbro; nonbro greeting
pus orb; see if you can find where it came from
I mean what; when I say something awkward/disgusting I didn't mean
wat; when I am in shock
dats rite; agreeing
I tend to say "Oh dear" when I get bad news or something inexplicably odd happens. I have also recently acquired the habit of greeting everyone with an "Hola!" despite not speaking any spanish otherwise.

Also I say "I don't know" a lot but that could just be because I really don't know what to do/say/think sometimes. xD

And I have a friend who misspells "apologies" as "appologies" because his name is Paul and apparently he used to jokingly spell is "appaulogies" to the point that he's forgotten how to spell it properly.
"Indeed", "I see", and the occasional "---, you see" prefixed at the end of certain sentences dot my vernacular, both online and offline.
I'm... pretty sure wondrous has two syllables normally? o.o

Most people I know tend to spell it "wonderous" and pronounce it "one-durr-iss". :/

Also, I forgot one: "We know this." Mostly used when I make a joking derogatory comment about me or one of my friends ("I make no sense. We know this.") My best friend adopted that one from me too.

EDIT: Oh, and "For what purpose?" I guess it's just a fancy way of saying "why" but i've sort of taken it anyway.
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I've noticed two more:
"Me not understand," said to myself when I am confused because of not understanding something. The "r" is a bit sharper than the normal English one.
When I talk to a video game character I've just defeated and/or consider easy to defeat, I sometimes call them "my dear."
WOAHWOAHWOAH what in the hell is this thread? Oh, catchphrases. Carry on. ANYWAY. I think I have a few catchphrases. For example, "Ooh, look at that new thing." Buuuuut I don't mind. Anyway. Catchphrases. I think that's my only catchphrase, so I'm off. See you in a bit, folks. Have fun.

Edit: Waitholdonwhat? I have more than catchphrase and it's annoying? COME ON.

Yeah, it's become a drinking game for everyone else.
A club at school that I'm in has taken to saying "Sounds like a personal problem" and "Cool brory sto" whenever the situation is appropriate.
Lately, I'm using the word "amazing" where other people use "awesome" and tend to use it about five times a day.

Also, when I ask a question and it gets answered, or if I just learn something new I think is interesting, I say, "in-tee-resting," with the emphasis on the second syllable.
I used to say "seriously?" a lot, when someone told me something that would make me face-palm. Now I've moved on to greener pastures. I say "actually?" instead.

Ironically enough, I've been saying "greener pastures" too much lately.
Now I notice I say "sweet" when someone does something cool, or I just say it when I'm not paying attention after they've told me something.

I also call all children "Kiddo".
Oh god.

Okay this is something I seriously do but
say I'm about to do some epic stunt in parkour. Right before I do it I always yell "CATCHPHRASE"

no not "insert catchphrase here" but the actual word "catchphrase"


Also I use "your face" too much
or when someone asks where something is I say "I ate it"

"or something", is something I imagine people in #tcod probably notice a lot.
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