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Misreadings and stuff

"Newbies" as "Nwebles" in my defense, I was scrolling down the page really fast.
Well, I was reading some Homestuck forum fanfiction and playing Pokémon Black at the same time, and I had just defeated someone. And I misread "Vullaby got 360 exp. points" as "Vriska got 360 exp. points".

This is not so close to misreading, but I sometimes manage to mess something up unintentionally in my mind. I remember thinking of one of the Twelve Colonies from Battlestar Galactica as Tavron instead of Tauron.

EDIT: Also, I looked at the Forums Home page just a while ago. And instead of "The rules. Read them.", I read "The rules. All of them."
Not really a misreading, but on Facebook I saw that both Lady Gaga and Real Madrid had shared a link. I instantly thought "ARE THEY DOING SOME SORT OF COLLABORATION?" because that would be awesome beyond recognition. But they were just both sharing the same link. Yeah.
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I do recall once reading something in the Guestbook as "Get a real name" when it was actually "Get a real game". Must've stayed up too late.
Ok this one is really bad. I was reading about Call of Duty and I read "Nazi zombies" as "Rape Zombies" somehow. I have no idea how. They aren't even close, wtf?
I was watching an episode of some criminal historical documentary series and there was a pub named Huntley & Palmers. I read it as "Huge palmate antlers", presumably because I had recently read an Earth's Children book.

Also, "knock knock" as "honk honk." Homestuck is taking over my mind.
When i win battles in my pokemon game, i missread "Got $___ for winning" as "Got $___ for WHINING" All the time...
"Invited to be honored onstage" as "Invited to be held hostage." 0_0 I've been a complete derp these days.
I misread "cutting off your circulation" as "cutting off your circumcision."

Also I was watching the same movie and managed to mishear "get Percy" as "get pregnant" again, which is completely impossible.
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