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Misreadings and stuff

"Digital Millennium Copyright Act"
"Dick Measuring Contest Act"

wtf i don't even
"Affordable computer repair rates" as "Adorable computer repair rates" on a sign outside a computer/electronics/appliance repair shop in town.

I guess they only fix "cute" computers? Whatever that would even mean...
Not exactly a misreading, but I once misinterpreted a tree on a picture as a burst of brownish smoke. And a waterfall as smoke. On the same picture.
Also, I saw two people, of which one was reading comics and the other was reading some magazine. What I saw there was something like "[picture of Spiderman] needs a psychologist."
Sometimes I misread things as being misspelled in a way that makes sense. For example "snake" as "ssnake" or Cuvier as Cuvvier. (He's a Homestuck fanfic character. He doesn't double "v"s like Eridan, but Eri is the main character in here, and this guy is a sea dweller as well, so that might be the reason.)
Earlier today I saw "Yourself" and "Nude" on a book's title. Then I looked closer and realized the title was actually 150 Years of Photo Journalism. I have no idea how that happened.
Just a few minutes ago I misthought "apple juice" as "pee."
And I was drinking apple juice.
For some reason, "apple" looks wrong to me somehow right now.
Hammerspace as Homestuck. I know I'm obessed now. 0_0

(Of course I was very obviously obsessed earlier, but. Now it's completely set in stone.)

Relatedly, while talking about the Hunger Games I once missaid Peeta as Nepeta. Of course, my pronounciation makes the two words very similar.
The following was on a map of the Great Britain and Ireland with a part of France:
Cape Wrath as Cape Wraith
Amiens as Aliens
Gisors as Gliscors
"Maximum Speed Limit" as "Pick a Swordfight"

Also I was flipping to a chapter in my Driver's Ed textbook and I could've sworn somewhere in there I saw in case of zombies
So we watched this movie in English class today, and I was confused for a while as to what the title of the film had to do with anything that was actually in the film.

It all became clear when I realized the title was, "The Last Feast," and not, "The Light Fish."
After seeing some instances of some "what people who don't know Homestuck think about the appearances of Homestuck characters" memes, in some of which Jaspersprite was associated with noodles, I sometimes see Needle Arm as Noodle Arm.
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